2nd September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    if you're eight years old.

    I already pay for monthsenough material for a beta
    Stop delaying it and release
  2. People never put the possibility Bacon may bite back. :p
  3. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    Woahhhh maybe I should have added this emoticon too ---> :sarcasm:
    Noctwinds, DeadlyLuvdisc and tassina like this.
  4. blackmib

    blackmib Aquatic Astronaut

    chucklefish is this a intergalactic prison i see is there gonna be a intergalactic law enforcement unit
    tassina and Chucklehead like this.
  5. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    Yes now i see my mistake,
    you got five years old
  6. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    please for the love of all NEVER EVER say we "KNOW" ._. its the biggest jinx in indie history TRUST ME
  7. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    Do you truly believe that I "got five years old"? That hurts, man. Really.
  8. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    beta will have crashes ._. its sorta what betas have
  9. CJx101

    CJx101 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know I know, I need to have patience. But it just looks so damn good sometimes I almost can't wait.

    And some of you can't tell me you aren't so damn excited for this that if they announced beta in one week you wouldn't squeal like a little girl (in secret of course).
    tassina likes this.
  10. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This game looks amazing and I know I won't be disappointed when it comes out. I really hope all of the ideas from the community will be implemented eventually.(it would be sad if some of those ideas from people like dragonith or squibbles just end up as wishful thinking.)
  11. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    on each comment goes down your ageI start to think you are th Dr.Fetus :proper:
  12. Shalderave

    Shalderave Big Damn Hero

    Ok you can play the build that literally deletes your saves every time you play it, ragequit, then whine about how it's so bad. I'll just sit over here and do something else, like write a book.
    Noctwinds and tassina like this.
  13. esseubot

    esseubot Space Spelunker

    totaly agree(even getting kinda offended by the "paid the minimun" because where i live(Brazil) the dolars are like twice as expencive when converted, but i am here to try to support the team, and yes, i want the beta, but i preffer to wait untill it be a good beta, soo they can take all the time that they want, and i have to admit, when the beta is out, i will miss the funny comments on the comment section :D sry for bad english
  14. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Good sir, squealing like little girls is for complete tallywhackers, TALLYWHACKERS I SAY. Real men squeal like a GUINEA PIG ON COCAINE, followed by a session of crying tears, manly years I must add, of sheer and UNCENSORED BLISS. Right. I have no idea what I just typed, time to go to sleep listening to Haiku(The greatest song in the OST in my opinion, it is the only song I have ever put a story too, a story that I could quite literally make a book off of. This is all from a 4/5 minute song.)
    R4gingFire and tassina like this.
  15. Nanofire

    Nanofire Void-Bound Voyager

    Woo super excited for this game...
    On another note... why do people gotta turn these threads into warzones... let's just all be super excited for it together... YAY US!
    Noctwinds, tassina and kurikan like this.
  16. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    To JennShii all is a joke please dont take it serius
    Yes i can play,i pay for it , and when i play a alpha/beta i play like a alpha tester and beta tester to report all the bugs to the team, i make the same in arma 3 i make the same in all steam early access games prysion architec project zomboid WoW LoL PayDay 2 Battelfield 3 Minecraft... and a big list,you and others enjoy a complete games with5 or 10 ramdom bugs ,i love play the games when got all this bugs to see how the game grow and work.
  17. Dolgaris

    Dolgaris Orbital Explorer

    Almost read that as USMC. Rah? Great stuff on the update, glad you guys are keeping us updated daily. Just makes me more and more excited for it's release.
    tassina likes this.
  18. Dobriyzhyk

    Dobriyzhyk Astral Cartographer

    Nice screenshot yeah.
  19. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tiy, bro, gotta level with you here. Posting updates in this fashion is slightly aggravating because it seems like a patch log.... I mean, I love the info, don't get me wrong, but it really does feel like it. I don't think I'm the only one that sees this... It's kinda painful because I'm part of a handful of other betas right now and these are the kinds of posts that I read on a regular basis. Plis stop teasing, Tiy. Plis. :cry:
  20. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    nice long post... absolutely worthless tho :) you do not know what beta means an you saying "well the devs are going above and beyond" well guess what a online game called Mortal Onlines devs "go above and beyond" and their game is a utter piece of shit

    so we want beta... stop crying like a child because we want what we PAID for

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