2nd of June, 2014: Dev Blog GeorgeV!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Gir554

    Gir554 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That horse creeps the hell out of me. If I have to deal with the ship AI...... I may never make a glitch character again. *Shudder*
  2. GonzoQ

    GonzoQ Void-Bound Voyager

    the horse is for novakids?
  3. Hessmix

    Hessmix Orbital Explorer

    Nope it's the Glitch AI
  4. Otter IV

    Otter IV Orbital Explorer

    You're right! We should only be allowed to voice our complaints about the most major of game mechanics! To hell with anything else!

    And you all say the "whiners" are the ones who provide flamebait.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    SpitefulFox and Piccolo like this.
  5. GonzoQ

    GonzoQ Void-Bound Voyager


    I think something more like the steampunk would have been better
    wonder how will be the AI for NovaKids.
  6. NeoFoxx000

    NeoFoxx000 Phantasmal Quasar

    At first I was perplexed about what I'm guessing is the Glitch's AI (the horse) and I figured that it was a gag placeholder, but then I saw this news post with an animated version of the SAILs, of which included is the horse. At first I was gonna join everyone else with the distaste of the horse, but as I was reading the thread, I saw Thundercraft's and xxswatelitexx's posts regarding the outcast symbolism, and the player Glitch is indeed and outcast of the hive-mind.

    From what I understand about the SAILs, they're not so much actual characters walking around the ship (not yet anyway) as they are actually just part of the ship's computer interface. Still, I have an idea that both sides of this coin may like. The horse masked AI stays up until the Dreadwing is bested. Here's my explanation: the ship's AI knows full well you're an Outcast Glitch, but you don't know she was a captured Outcast with her brain being re-purposed as the ship's AI, hence the shoddy disguise which is kinda pointless considering that she's an AI and not an actual Glitch. Losing her body is already a terrible punishment, losing her existence... well... in the words of Johnny V, "disassemble = dead." Anyway, when the player uses the distress beacon they get Dreadwing instead. The player bests Dreadwing in combat and gets both the Molten Core and whatever he's using to target the distress beacons. For the sake of this explanation I'm going call it a signal disruption device. The signal disruption device gets installed and the glitch AI removes her horse mask and feels a lot more comfortable around the player Glitch and is happy that she's with a fellow Outcast that could do what she could not: escape the hive-mind AND survive.

    I do realize it sounds like bad fan-fiction, but writing stories was never one of my strong points. :p

    Also this signal disruption device has potential for the other races, like the Apex rebels don't really want Big Ape and/or the Miniknog knowing their every move and the Avians would rather not have to tangle with the Stargazers again.

    Anyway, it was just a brainwave I had to jot down when I saw Thundercraft's and xxswatelitexx's posts regarding the outcast symbolism. Hope it's useful.
    Owl_Stalker likes this.
  7. CaptainMadoc

    CaptainMadoc Phantasmal Quasar

    All these posts that are against the Horse AI makes me wonder if all of these dissenters thought that Dungeons of Dredmor is a disgrace to video games everywhere.
    Darklight likes this.
  8. I demand only the most serious of video games, games like MARIO and ZELDA need to be put to the curb to make way for more mature games such as CoD and Postal.
    SpitefulFox and Darklight like this.
  9. CaptainMadoc

    CaptainMadoc Phantasmal Quasar

    I do believe I require a gastro-intestinal compartment for me to vomit into, considering that there are many that hold such sentiments in absolute earnest.
    Darklight likes this.
  10. nikidukes

    nikidukes Void-Bound Voyager

    I mean.... seriously, a horse head on a human body? What race is *that* for? I assume the crystals are for avians, so that'd mean the horse would have to be Glitch but that doesn't make sense.
    well the Glitch are mideval based and they did ride horses alot at that time
  11. Pyreaus

    Pyreaus Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it's kind of silly to badmouth everyone who doesn't like the horse AI. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean you're juvenile or a whiner or have no sense of humour. While I get the joke with the horse I agree that it looks kind of creepy and given the other AIs are interesting it seems a shame for the glitch to just get a joke. Is that so bad? If you could change your AI or something it wouldn't really be a problem at all to have it as a thing, but I don't see why the horse AI should be required of Glitch players, especially if someone /is/ trying to play the game seriously because that might make it more fun for them. No one has the right to say how anyone wants to play an open ended game like this is 'playing it wrong' or make fun of them for it. Horse AI might be a fun joke for some people but you shouldn't expect everyone to think it's funny and they have a right to complain about it being forced on them.

    TL;DR whining about whiners makes you a double whiner.
  12. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    The ability to create, customize, find/loot, implement, and even remove the visual aspect of the AIs.

    I think it would solve a lot of problems.
    Zouleena and SpitefulFox like this.
  13. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    No work has really done on the Novakid assets yet. They're not scheduled to be added to the game until around beta stage 3 / full release.

    Almost definitely. As soon as they revealed the AI interface, people were making mockups of it depicting Shodan, Glados, Hal and various other famous AIs from fiction. And many non-AI characters too.
    GonzoQ and BrokenValkyrie like this.
  14. LemmyKillmaster

    LemmyKillmaster Void-Bound Voyager

    Please, make the AIs more static. Make the Hylotl, human and Apex AIs just static without angry talking / shaking head / face twitching only with slow blinking and that old TV stuff effects (forgot how it's called). Or perhaps change the Apex AI to a big glowing eye similar to HAL 9000 that would also be a reminder of the Big Ape's all seeing eye always watching you. And slow down the crystal flashing into a subtle fade-in, fade-out animation. It would make those easier to look at without having a seisure. I'm okay with the crazy Floran AI as it fits in well and enough has already been said about the horse lady.
  15. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    to the people compaining about the horse with breasts

    horses have breasts in real life, google it
    also its a simple way to show that shes female ( a horse with lipstick is propley scaryer)

    to the people complaining about it not being in the lore, remember that the game is in beta and IIRC olny the avian races lore is complete, for all we know the glitch could worship horse people

    besides its obvious it isn't a horse but a reverse centaur

    oh and mods

    i think they all act/move depending on the convo
    im sure he didnt want to give them all the normal phase
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Jbeetle and LemmyKillmaster like this.
  16. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

  17. CaptainMadoc

    CaptainMadoc Phantasmal Quasar

    A matter of shame and pride. Neither of which holds much meaning for me as of now.
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    False. The used underwear vending machines are but a popular urban legend. What they might do have is clean underwear.
    Aurtose likes this.
  19. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    I smiled at that gif :3
  20. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

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