2nd of June, 2014: Dev Blog GeorgeV!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Otter IV

    Otter IV Orbital Explorer

    On the subject on memes, I'd like to use this little quote I saw:

    "Is it that bad to be annoyed when a high budget, AAA production takes humor from the absolute lowest form of entertainment? The type of joke that has one year from being jarring and confusing? I like memes because they are a side effect of a tight-knit community. They are not self-contained jokes DO NOT belong anywhere else.

    The responsibility of a good work of entertainment is to CREATE memes. When you milk memes from somewhere else, you are putting yourself on the level of your consumers and hurthing the worth of your product."

    Not that Starbound is a AAA game, but it's relevant.

    If CF is absolutely hellbent on giving the Glitch a horse AI and no options whatsoever, could we at least have some forms of compromise? Like for example, the Glitch ride mechanical horses, so the AI could be one. Or say, taking away the breasts and derpy-meme face, to make it seem more like an actual horse.

    Call it a funny joke, but remember, jokes only stay fresh for so long, memes an even shorter amount, and this is something Glitch players will be looking at for the entire game.
    Unendingfear, Grulul, Lecic and 7 others like this.
  2. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    I knew I liked you lots ;)
    ReverendBonobo likes this.
  3. I dont know guys, i think chuckle fish should be sued for offending my thin skinned sensibilities with jokes and for not making the game I WANT
  4. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Still don't like the glitch AI, it should definitely be binary...
    However the Ship upgrade animations are cool. The Glitch looks a bit weird with the 'round' body... Just my opinion.
  5. FrozenFlame

    FrozenFlame Giant Laser Beams

    Ship AI too good. Arrgh hopefully they're also affected by the random generation.
  6. Sir ceil

    Sir ceil Existential Complex

    HoRsE SuPrEmAcY
  7. cheeseywiz98

    cheeseywiz98 Void-Bound Voyager

    It seems most people dislike the nasty looking horse-lady.....
    It's not really that funny, and seems like it would be a pain to look at whenever you have to do stuff on the ship.

    I just.......

    (This GIF doesn't count as inappropriate, does it? I don't think it does.)(I spend too much time on Imgur)
  8. fry150

    fry150 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hope some1 will make a mod so u can pick and choose which AI and such u can have.
  9. Binary is boring to look at. Should be a squire.
  10. Aurtose

    Aurtose Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Would it be possible to have AI created by the player (like the character creation)? With head, gender and a few alternate features to choose from perhaps? I think a mastectomy on the horse would improve it and I think various mix-and-match options are the most diplomatic way to go about it.
  11. ZoraZ

    ZoraZ Title Not Found

    Horse AI...
    at first I was like, .....huh?
    and then I was like; wat?
    and now I'm like; WAHT THE FUQ
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    the whole horse AI affair is like the freakin Po debacle. It's hilarious on what pointless things people can get hung up on
  13. eagle0600

    eagle0600 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, I'm not against jokes, but the horse AI is going to be funny only for a few people, and only for the first few times even then. After that (and for everyone else right from the start), it's just going to be weird and out-of-place.
    SpitefulFox likes this.
  14. Hessmix

    Hessmix Orbital Explorer

    I'm getting hung up on it because of the fact that if I was playing a Glitch I would try to access my AI as little as possible. It does not appeal to me and does not make sense to me either.
    SpitefulFox and Piccolo like this.
  15. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    Yeah, like people who get hung up on other people's hang ups, those are the funniest.
    SpitefulFox likes this.
  16. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    yes. both are funny/interesting.
  17. Altaeon

    Altaeon Void-Bound Voyager

    The Po are relatively rare and you don't "have" to seek them out. (Although you might still stumble onto one on occasion...) The Glitch ship A.I. however is an interface you are going to be forced to interact with fairly often as you progress through the game. (Gah I love playing as a Glitch and their ship's design. But this A.I. it's killing me.) I'm hoping that at the very least, if they keep it in the vanilla game there should be an alternate version you could toggle to without having to resort to mods...
  18. Milan Mree

    Milan Mree Ketchup Robot

    Neat! Not much else to say though sorry.
  19. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    Please stop working in horse/boobs A.I. ,the work is good but there is no sense in that
  20. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    They should make ship AI sound a warning when someone you invite on your ship starts stealing your stuff. I think that would make a way to counter thieves.

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