2nd July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. AbeLincolnstein

    AbeLincolnstein Void-Bound Voyager

    So on what day should I quit my job and devote my life to this game? September 21st? October 9th? DECEMBER 31st??
    1John5vs7 and lpp911 like this.
  2. Landy

    Landy Master Chief

    Man those critters be cute!

    Cant wait to see them BURRRNNN... ahem.
  3. SirRandomness

    SirRandomness Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey isn't the head for the unevolved creatures the same as what one of the basic pet examples on the stretch goal had? Even if Im just being crazy It got me thinking, WHAT IF YOU COULD EVOLVE YOUR PETS POKEMON STYLE :eek:
    1John5vs7 likes this.
  4. popbot

    popbot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is what I am interested in. The rubber is really going to meet the road here. Chucklefish is going to need a lot of playtesting to do this (closed alpha playtesting), especially considering the sheer number of items. Watching the streams has always made me wonder what bits and pieces are still being hacked in via the admin console.
    AdenSword and 1John5vs7 like this.
  5. lpp911

    lpp911 Zero Gravity Genie

    so freaking true, on release the world will stand still, the power grid will not handle all the machines, so after 3 days there will be power shortage... muhahahaha
    1John5vs7 and AbeLincolnstein like this.
  6. Barnados

    Barnados Void-Bound Voyager

    I 'm trying to think, how the Envoling of the "random" feature will be done.
    If Head X and Body Y for a MOnster a chosen. Envoling includes HEAD X2 and Body Y2 and more lifepoints or do the monsters get other abilities aswell?
  7. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Hey everyone. I saw Tiyuri Tweeting about how he needed a female voice actress. I immediately though of Ellen McLain from Portal and Half-Life fame. Would that be too mainstream sci-fi kitschy, or would you guys like to see her sign on with Starbound alongside Logan Cunningham? I have a suggestion thread about it here: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/voice-actress-for-starbound.25466/

    In other news: Tiy, the evolved monster is a cool idea, and those base monsters look like cupcakes: adorable. Can't wait for them to try to rip me to pieces like the savage little devils I'm sure they are. *le sigh*

    VERY excited to hear that progression is coming together well.

    I'm looking forward to all of this whenever you get it done. You workaholics just keep at it. But as I've said in a previous post: 7 days a week of non-stop work and you're eventually going to burn yourselves out. Please, don't let the rabid community clamoring for the game bully you into working yourselves to death: most of these pushy jerks have weekends off from their jobs, so they're taking 2 days off a week! Give yourselves Saturday off and talk to your families, do something just for yourselves, and I bet you'll find the creative juices flowing freshly. It's not that you're stagnant (far from it, in fact), but it never hurts to step away from a problem for a day or so and then come back to it fresh.

    Anyhoo, I'm not your mother and you are all adults. I'm just concerned you are all pouring your heart and soul into this, and at some point that's going to wear you down if you never take a break. Well, peace out, Napoleon!
  8. Mroczyslav

    Mroczyslav Space Spelunker

    Hooray! Can't wait for the beta.
    1John5vs7 likes this.
  9. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Space-a-chu, I choose yoooooooooooooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!
    If I have to buy 2 versions of Starbound to evolve my critters and catch 'em all though, I am going to be cross. Seriously, Pokemon red and blue, what the heck? What the heck Pokemon gold and silver? :lod:
  10. jman1324

    jman1324 Orbital Explorer

    This made me wonder what the money system is going to be like. I wonder if there will be tiers of money as in Terraria or if each race would have their own form of currency which is less valuable to the other races; or maybe something completely different. I can't wait to see.
  11. Deepclaw

    Deepclaw Star Wrangler

    This is fantastic news. I am SO EXCITED! Even more excited than yesterday anyway!

    I've heard some grumbling from a few people who think the music and monsterbattle features are cheap inclusions. I disagree. I think these make the game more accessible and give it longevity, especially to those involved in RP or want as much stuff to do in the game as possible. If you want just mining and building and light adventure, you've got Terraria and Minecraft and others. Want cubes and more involved RPG adventure, try Cube World when it comes out. Want a little bit of everything you love, PLUS aliens and space?? Starbound! :D

    Some people will use these 'tools' to relive tired old recycled material, but some, including those who like tired old material, will fully enjoy it as a way to immerse themselves in the game. The music, for example, could cause people to build bars on servers and give them atmosphere, compose and share some alienish music they made, or anything else they come up with (like Mass Effect and Star Trek themes or something). It allows the game some depth given that players can directly add content to the game, giving the game culture as well in some cases. OR they sit around converting pop songs into ABC files and play them over and over, which is kinda meh to me, but to each their own! I look forward to joining a server and seeing a bunch of people singing/playing together and chatting over an awesome city they built.

    And as for the monsters... People who like Pokemon can do whatever they want. If you hate Pokemon then I would suggest ignoring them or moving somewhere else. Personally, I like Pokemon, but recognize Starbound as a completely different game and I enjoy the idea of a Sci-Fi concept facilitating a Pokemon-like system. The feature opens the game to die hard Pokemon fans, but also gives us more casual players of the franchise a breath of fresh air - dunno if anyone else noticed but the Pokemon games have been the same thing over and over for YEARS. I will thoroughly enjoy seeing a (simpler & different) 'pet battle' system in a game that has a million other things to do in it too. I suspect that the game will be different enough from anything else, as well, that people will use these monsters for exactly what they're for - bodyguards, extra help, a one-man team for solo players, and back up for anyone who wants it. If people want to have monster battles in a space arena, well that just sounds fun, not disappointing. Personally, I think it'd be cool to get me a small team of two - a healing pet and a tank pet. Since I expect to only play with my sister on release, there will only be two of us, so some extra help would be nice! Alternately, I can easily see people, even non-Pokemon fans, to take the "Gotta catch em all!" thing to heart. Some people are just collectors at heart and really do want to collect an army of pets! Well, so be it, I say.

    I am well and truly stoked today about the game's being converted into a playable format. I take it to mean that Beta release is closer than anyone thought. People suspect September, and that may be so, but getting the game's mechanics 'complete' is a huge important step. After that, it's just putting in the finishing touches (which could be many!) and making sure it has the look and feel the developers want before releasing.

    I love checking in for an update everyday. You guys are doing GREAT. THANK YOU!
  12. PikaRock

    PikaRock Intergalactic Tourist

    Thats pretty cool, also any news on the pet system, I remember reading that you could make some animals your pets.
  13. snarper

    snarper Orbital Explorer

    Maybe some of the original model's characteristics are taken (color pallet, general features, attacks etc.) and a new completely different creature is generated. The new creature is then modified and has some of its characteristics (those taken from its ''previous'' state) replaced in order to resemble but not be completely identical? That is how I would do it.
  14. paulo27

    paulo27 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    At this point I honestly don't see the point of having a Beta, that Beta will be just like release, but without a few features, to me a beta is something for users to test, these sort of things that you talked about, like getting the costs for crafting right, if the ore are spread ok, if the leveling is fine or takes too long or is too fast, these are all things that should be tested by people outside of the game, and not by the game devs themselves.
  15. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    Good grief, every progress update makes me think beta is coming soon...I'm going insane!
  16. lazyguy

    lazyguy Orbital Explorer

    Can our pets evolve too? That would be awesome!
  17. Greatblackshark

    Greatblackshark Cosmic Narwhal

    This game can't come out soon enough! :D
  18. SerinityFyre

    SerinityFyre Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for being so awesome!
  19. Burnalot

    Burnalot Void-Bound Voyager

    More to burn and pillage! :viking:
    Greatblackshark likes this.
  20. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    What is left? WHAT IS LEFT?? there is ALOT left that only the awesome chuckelfish devs can think of we are not as EPIC as they are but there will be alot more

    and music--donkey konga really
    pvp--team fortress how can you compare it when we have only seen a small clip of the pvp

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