2nd July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. nTOX!C

    nTOX!C Tentacle Wrangler

    Who needs real life? We are going to get starbound! :speechless:
  2. Desert_Rose

    Desert_Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    why not it just means that the game we will be getting will be even more polished and enjoyable than a broken game :) i for one even tho im incredibly impatient hope they take their time. the same with star citizen wich im also waiting for :) indie really should take its time tho its what makes it quality over all the tripple A trash "excluding metro :3" they just pump garbage out like how many call of noob games are there by now i lost count and they are all terrible :rofl: starbound is a one off "than again who knows :3 starbound2? :rofl:" wich means the longer it takes the more polished and the BETTER :D its gonna be :3 so good on ya chucklefish :3 very excited for the final product :3
    riseoflegends likes this.
  3. Evolutions? Capturing? Gotta' catch'em all!!
  4. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for all your hard work, Tiy and Chucklefish.
  5. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    good job dev
  6. LegendaryExplorerJames

    LegendaryExplorerJames Aquatic Astronaut

    Okay from what i can tell from this Daily update is the that the beta is getting very close to being finished and the Starbound Team just have to get a bit more done and then the beta will be in our hands! Hurray!!
  7. Duvi0

    Duvi0 Void-Bound Voyager

    Almost none of those are exclusive to those games. Here,
    evolving monsters-- Monster Rancher and Pokemon ripoffs
    exploring planets-- there are tons of games featuring space exploration
    music-- almost any video game ever has had music, come on...
    quests-- any RPG, not just FF
    pvp-- Really? You're including team-based matches in your classification of PvP? ...there are more, but that's seriously wrong.

    the only one I wasn't going to try and include with that is mining, because this mining fad *did* start with Minecraft. This game just looks quite a bit more like Terraria, even though it's a bad comparison at this point because of so much stuff.
  8. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Soooo, Tiy. Just let me know when I should /quite frivolous life nuances; to devote all my time to playing Starbound. August 4th? Sooner || later? I got a lot of stuff to do before the release like cancel cable, return cell phone, get kids taken away, buy a mini fridge, move next to a convenience store, find a way to stop work and still get mortgage money/electricity money, stop going to college, take out a loan, pay off student debt with loan, declare bankruptcy, learn to not sleep, give my pets away, sell my car, etc... Just not sure if I have time to accomplish all of that before Starbound comes out.
  9. Ammonite

    Ammonite Space Penguin Leader

    Very nice again, you're adding so much wonderful content.
    Please give us a little more information about how these evolutions work and how they impact gameplay please :monkey:
  10. GodBlock

    GodBlock Orbital Explorer

    Really like the idea of quests! Open ended sandbox games are fantastic, but it's nice to have a little direction one in a while.

    Fantastic work Chucklefish, you never cease to impress me!
  11. Glitch1500

    Glitch1500 Aquatic Astronaut

    It's all coming together :)
  12. Khadi

    Khadi Scruffy Nerf-Herder



    Beware of the coral polyp!
  13. lickmyxxx

    lickmyxxx Big Damn Hero

    "We’re working a ton on progression right now. Lots of bits and pieces are coming together and our goal is to get the game fully playable without any admin commands. That means every important item needs to be craftable, getting the costs right and the leveling right for everything that has a level. Making sure ore distributions are correct. That sort of thing. It’s going to take us a while but it’s a major step towards the completion of the game."


    Apple Teawalker likes this.
  14. Nice work ChuckleFish!

    Really looking good and with more stuff getting put into the game it's a wait I can look forward too :D
    Akimoto Kazume likes this.
  15. Akimoto Kazume

    Akimoto Kazume Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I cant wait for this masterpiece!!!:cry:
  16. RussianBro

    RussianBro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Its the random creatures that evolve.
    I'm assuming the 'evolutions' are simply creatures of the same color scheme using a 'second level' of the parts that make up the original randomized creature.
    As you can see in this example, the hair keeps the same style but reveals eyes, the legs keep the same style but are longer, and the tail becomes larger and splits in different ways.
    Each of those components are sort of a second version of each of the parts that made up the regular random creature.
    Ebdac likes this.

    CHA0SFLAM3S Orbital Explorer

    Monster evolutions? What is this, Pokémon? :up:
    Oh, and these updates are so awesome! I come back to read them every day. :D
    Also, I just saw these in the emoticon menu, and they look cool, so I wanna put them here. :ssssssssss::metroid::gooby::V

  18. 2.5 Mill Stretch Goal: Randomly Gen. Monsters Play Starbound alongside you!
    lpp911 likes this.
  19. lpp911

    lpp911 Zero Gravity Genie

    Nice job so far :mwahaha: Yesterday I bought (pre order) the game (I wanted to give you 20$ but i was short for couple of cent, transaction fee for Paypal :ssssssssss: , i have bought it for 15$ ) I enjoy sandbox games so freaking much, thise days i usually play indie games (big AAA games are all the same walk forward & shoot everything in sight and that is so freaking boring, there are / were few exceptions "FarCry3, Skirym, total war games...) Well what i am trying to say is, that it's amazing what you are doing. Whole game will be randomly generated with tons of content, that is like mind blowing for sandbox fan :megusta: I enjoyed Terraria & Minecraft (me and couple of friends were playing MC for 3 months from morning to dawn hehe) but those two become so flat lined when u got to play with every tool it just becomes boring.

    Ou and another thing, i bet that one of the first mods will be ....... (pokemon balls hehe perhaps even pokemon battles)

    (Sorry for my clunky english hehe)

    Well guys don't stop doing your magic/masterpiece and hope to play the game soon :mwahaha:
    Starsomar and AdenSword like this.
  20. MilitaryCat

    MilitaryCat Void-Bound Voyager

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