2nd July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. neverfall

    neverfall Master Chief

    Thanks for the update, I really hope you release soon or next year- don't want this masterpiece getting swept under the rug, while the "AAA games" are releasing over the next few months!
    keyfox11 likes this.
  2. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Exciting update, it sounds like we might be headed for an early Beta soon.

    Thanks for all the amazing updates. :up:
  3. Rippedfang

    Rippedfang Phantasmal Quasar

    Cool beans!
  4. D341Jerman

    D341Jerman Aquatic Astronaut

    Very, very cool! This game is going to be awesome! :)
  5. huntcameron

    huntcameron Void-Bound Voyager

    Very nice so far, One thing id really like to see in this game is easy multiplayer, So not port-forwarding etc
    (I live in NZ and we dont get static ips). That's just something id like to see.

    Keep up the good work.
    Starsomar, AdenSword and Thrillhouse like this.
  6. DaglessMcChicken

    DaglessMcChicken Void-Bound Voyager

    ggh325 and SuperOops23 like this.
  7. DreadedCo

    DreadedCo Void-Bound Voyager

    Just found out about Starbound today. Very excited!
  8. Zezarict

    Zezarict Big Damn Hero

    The Evolution seems really interesting, thnak you ^_^

    Also, personally even if ore distribution and all items aren't done, i'd sitll love to play beta xD
  9. shadownightes

    shadownightes Master Chief

    Phew, I hope there is only a few steps to go until completion.
    I frekin cant wait for this dang beta, but all in all keep up the good work chuckle,
    makes me smile the more work is done
  10. RomyCat

    RomyCat Industrial Terraformer

    Starbound is the ONE game to rule all others.

    evolving monsters--Pokemon
    exploring planets--Spore
    music--Donkey Konga
    quests--Final Fantasy
    pvp--Team Fortress
    pets-Petz series

    What is left? Will there be racing of vehicles across the planet's surface? A sci-fi version of soccer or football?
    WTFtimmy124, ggh325, Tower07 and 3 others like this.
  11. RadiantChaos

    RadiantChaos Orbital Explorer

    I'd love to have a plushy Glitch as well. Or even a Hylotl. And while we're talking merchandise, can we get Lego sets too? Or a cereal? A tv show?

    ...Too far?
    WTFtimmy124, Tower07 and keyfox11 like this.
  12. RadiantChaos

    RadiantChaos Orbital Explorer

    Well, each race does have at least one bike vehicle, so you could easily set up races...

    *puts on glasses*

    ...between the different races.

  13. RadiantChaos

    RadiantChaos Orbital Explorer

    Welcome to the gang!
    WTFtimmy124 and SuperOops23 like this.
  14. Eoghanpm2

    Eoghanpm2 Star Wrangler

    Exiting news today. Keep up the beautiful work! Every bit of time you pour into this game is incredibly appreciated so do what you have to to release the beta when you know it's ready. I'm 100% sure it'll be greeted with happy faces and open arms.
    WTFtimmy124, AdenSword and keyfox11 like this.
  15. TheKeyLimit

    TheKeyLimit Phantasmal Quasar

    Bigger Worlds.... Evolution of monsters.... MUSIC..... Starbound is giving us everything! <3
  16. mooncats5

    mooncats5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've been waiting to hear about quests! Glad to know it's getting worked on. :3 I'm really interested in seeing what kind of quests we can expect to encounter - will they follow similar patterns? (Like fetch quests, rescue missions, escort missions, etc) or will quests mainly have to do with a main storyline? SO CURIOUS!!!

    Great job guys <3 Really! I'm also excited about the monster evolutions. I'm really hoping I can find myself a monster that looks even a little bit dog-like so I can have a space wolf buddy :3
  17. Toryu-Mau

    Toryu-Mau 2.7182818284590...

    So this must be one of the "What's Fido got under his front hair bang?":whoop: repertoire Aye?
    + Yeah, this monster is right next to PopToptm in terms of Deadly Cuddly Cuteness.
    ( as long as they don't eat my face *Dun Dun Duuun~!*:ssssssssss: )
    UlfrAndi likes this.
  18. Bastard Man

    Bastard Man Big Damn Hero

    You need this my friend; http://cow.org/csi/
    RadiantChaos likes this.
  19. jezuitx

    jezuitx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds like things are really coming together. Can't wait to see more monster evolutions as this one is quite adorable.
  20. DoomZero

    DoomZero Zero Gravity Genie

    You might even say it'll be a game


    like no one ever was.

    (where "one" refers to game here, so "like no other game", and goddamn it I'm making a CSI joke here)
    RadiantChaos likes this.

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