2nd August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. kik4444

    kik4444 Existential Complex

    Please, I don't want a closed beta. They usually release these keys for other games when I'm sleeping and if they don't do it like that, bots usually get the keys first. An open beta would benefit everybody though.
  2. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No magic at all. No spells, casts, magical wands, abracadabra and/or mana rigmarole. Only sci-fi features
    Legro X. Brox 360th and kik4444 like this.
  3. silvershadow

    silvershadow Master Chief

    I'm starting to feel dissapointed, we should have in our hands the beta already, at this pace we will recieve the game almost finished, it almost looks like they are making the game for themselves, this is my personal opinion, afterall i'm starting to lose interest in this game.. I pre-ordened to help the Devs, not to comment on a thread about how beautiful their house looks
    Sakaru, Necrius, carcrasher65 and 6 others like this.
  4. kik4444

    kik4444 Existential Complex

    I know how you feel...
    Mazair likes this.
  5. Mazair

    Mazair Orbital Explorer

    You better give us a heads up like day before update if you do the game play live stream thingy please do :D
  6. Kalrirr

    Kalrirr Big Damn Hero

    Since yogscast get's exclusive access to the game at the "insomnia" event it's unlikely that we'll see anything from the game in terms of a beta before that. I love chucklefish, I love what Starbound will be...
    But I don't get why the devs can't even state "no it won't be before insomnia or "we aren't sure yet". Seriously... no one will hold it against you, devs. But we're entitled to SOME scrap of info on the wait time by now, aren't we?
    killpay and kik4444 like this.
  7. Ebdac

    Ebdac Star Wrangler

    I will not be watching that stream :p I want to live all of this for myself!! :D
    Bourak_1 likes this.
  8. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    No, Yogscast doesn't get exclusive access. Anyone in the UK could go there, if they had the money.
  9. Yeezus

    Yeezus 2.7182818284590...

    This is a pretty cool screenshot, it looks pretty old-school though, so we get classic and futuristic furniture? Dope.
  10. Yamadronis

    Yamadronis Void-Bound Voyager

  11. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Because the artists work on programming core gameplay right??
  12. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    of course, code with Pixels++
    Toryu-Mau and JuDelCo like this.
  13. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Another exciting update, thanks.
  14. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Hey Tiy! Loved the update and can't wait to see more of these awesome vistas the game can create. You might think it was a boring update but really it was anything but. o/
  15. Dtho_47

    Dtho_47 Star Wrangler

    This is my words!
  16. Veheed

    Veheed Title Not Found

    I am really happy it feels like they are making the game for themselves because it showsf their LOVE for their creative child.
    Or would you rather prefer to have a soulless product developed by developers without any drive to make their game as polished, fun and even visually beautiful?
    To me, they only show care.

    But you probably like day one DLCs. Opinions... :)
    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  17. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This was the most exciting update in quite a while, honestly.
  18. Legro X. Brox 360th

    Legro X. Brox 360th Starship Captain

    I love this game :DD. It's shaping up to be one of those games you tell your great-great-grandchildren about when, in the future, you're just a head in a jar. Also, it's got the best community of any game I've ever seen/played. Keep up the good work Chucklefish :)
    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  19. 4verse

    4verse Subatomic Cosmonaut

    artists vs. core gameplay? how are artists related to core gameplay mechanics?
    i also thought "fine tuning" is related to beta feedback?
    so, what exactly is being a beta-tester supposed to mean at chucklefish?
    beta day 1: beta-tester: "yes, everything seems 99% finished, game looks good".
    the day after 'beta day 1': chucklefish: "beta was fine, we release tomorrow (after we added another cool feature, of course)"

    dont get me wrong, a game 99% finished (in regards to bugs) at release is great. we all want this.
    but why an beta for a game that is ready for launch?
    thats not what a beta is supposed to be - at least not in those software projects i was involved in

    and early access is not a beta.
    AND early access is not what was sold for pre-order
  20. TheUnartist

    TheUnartist Pangalactic Porcupine

    I would certainly hope that they are making this game for themselves. That's how games should be made.
    You want a game made for you and everyone else then there is a whole stagnating AAA industry catering to you that will try to meet all your deadlines regardless of how "finished" their game is.

    And it will probably come with a nice season pass so you can get all that paid dlc.

    More studios need to be like Chucklefish, just sayin'.

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