2nd August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. JJoec

    JJoec Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. djcz

    djcz Tentacle Wrangler

    Can't wait for that stream!
  3. linukboy

    linukboy Orbital Explorer

    If this keeps up you could play this on a pc from 2000
  4. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    Yay Thanks again Tiy ! :rofl:
    tassina likes this.
  5. BrenSage

    BrenSage Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can't wait till the video! By the way, your house looks like a Hobbit hole :p
  6. BeowulfDragon

    BeowulfDragon Void-Bound Voyager

    The stream should be the first time we see actual gameplay, as in how you will play the game. I cannot wait!
  7. Swordmaster

    Swordmaster 2.7182818284590...

    You sir, get my approval :up:
    greenmachine and tassina like this.
  8. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    As I have said in the last few updates, keep up the good work!
    tassina likes this.

    JAGYOUARE Phantasmal Quasar

    I noticed on the screenshot that the dirt was blue, which is cool, but the tilled dirt in the little garden/mini-farm type thing is brown. It seems like a really small thing, I know, but it is one of those things that right when I noticed, it really started to bother me.
  10. SirRandomness

    SirRandomness Void-Bound Voyager

    Just noticed the player wearing what appears to be links clothes excluding the cap from LoZ :unsure: . I wonder what other homages to other games in the form of joke items or easter eggs will be in the game
  11. Ice_Korin

    Ice_Korin Industrial Terraformer

    I cannot wait until that stream!
  12. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That screenshot alone is worthy of an update! :DD
  13. Psyme

    Psyme Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dull, good sir?

    Massively reducing bandwidth requirements for hosting? I heard that in my head sung by a choir of Seraphim, because it means that it is all the more likely that even I can host with my weak internet.
    tassina likes this.
  14. SilencedSouls

    SilencedSouls Phantasmal Quasar

    tassina likes this.
  15. Brenden8r

    Brenden8r Void-Bound Voyager

    So do campfires have to be on non flammable blocks, or were those two campfires just placed that way for looks? I went back through all the screenshots and couldn't find any others with campfires inside a building, whenever there were fires inside a building it was inside a fireplace or something similar. Whenever there were campfires, they were on a "dirt-like" block and never on anything flammable, so could it be possible that placing a campfire down on wooden planks could burn your wooden house down? Also, are those flowers growing on stone? .-.
    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  16. RomyCat

    RomyCat Industrial Terraformer

    Wow, that breakground took my breath away. Giant looming planet, another smaller planet and those gorgeous sunbeams. I applaud your artists. Great job.
    tassina, Zenithsplendor and Kota like this.
  17. PunderfulYT

    PunderfulYT Void-Bound Voyager

  18. Timeolord

    Timeolord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Everytime I read an update mine get's blown!
  19. VeriChip

    VeriChip Void-Bound Voyager

    Earth crops need Earth soil? Just a guess.
    tassina likes this.
  20. jakethesnake10w

    jakethesnake10w Master Chief

    I hope the beta comes out soon :pwease:
    Ghoul159 likes this.

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