2nd August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Trolls aren't always a bad thing, you know. I hate to quote the mindless masses, but haters do indeed make you famous. The more it's talked about, the more attention it gets - flatly. Negative attention is still attention, and in most cases human curiosity will cause those with a negative disposition to look further into it anyways.
  2. yoshibaby21

    yoshibaby21 Master Chief

    Nobody else is slightly bothered by how copy-paste 99% of the objects in the house look from terraria? At all? like..the chair/table? At least a little?
    Don't get me wrong I'm psyched as hell for starbound but...i feel like im staring at terraria except for the awesome background. :c
    John Rizos likes this.
  3. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile


    Looks good. Have you guys considered implementing seasons on planets? Or is that too much coding shenanigans? It would be neat to see biomes that were only snowy during certain parts of the year.

    Guys, if they're still hammering out the framerate and functionality of the game, you don't WANT to play it. It would be like playing an old Commoder 64 or NES game with sloppy controls, low-level graphical performance, tons of glitches, etc. It isn't in a finished game state. I wish Tiyuri would highlight that more when he posts. He is trying to make it sound like it's almost done when it simply is not, which exacerbates the mania of people clamoring for the beta. It's counterproductive.
  4. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Basic pixel smallsized no fancy carving wood chair 1 looks -kinda- like basic pixel smallsized no fancy carving wooden chair 2.
    Nope doesn't bother me at all. Edit: Also, they are angled/turned slightly toward the viewer unlike Terrarias flat seen from the side stuff.
  5. Coulmbai

    Coulmbai Industrial Terraformer

    I really like how starbound has things like wooden planks and cobble stone.
    They look so much better than the raw wood and stone in terraria imo
    Jayson and Xander like this.
  6. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    I'm going to be very frank.

    They don't look alike at all. However, Terraria has some very "copy-pasted looking" items in its own repertoire. Such is the case of 2D sandboxes and 2D adventure platformers. Starbound looks crisp, and they even gave it a 3D element despite its 2D nature, as Xander stated.

    Not concerned in the least.
    Jayson likes this.
  7. HawK3yLV

    HawK3yLV Phantasmal Quasar

    :iswydt: nice house indeed
  8. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    so, on the left, what's the purpose of providing a wooden shelter for plants? I would understand glass and whatnot, to control humidity, but wood? pointless! pointless I say!
  9. John Caveson

    John Caveson Orbital Explorer

    Yes, but you are forgetting one key thing. Beta =/= finished game state, and I am fairly certain there performance enhancing is aimed at making older computers run it meaning my beast of a computer could probably handle it. This also give you no right to tell us what we would or would not want to play. We can formulate our own opinions.

    JAGYOUARE Phantasmal Quasar

    It shouldn't really matter unless the dirt is toxic, I had to grow a plant in a little bundle of damp paper towel in school a while a go.
  11. Trexus

    Trexus Void-Bound Voyager

    Its a hobbit hole;)
    hit9 likes this.
  12. hazzary453

    hazzary453 Big Damn Hero

    most likely
  13. Gears

    Gears Contact!

    But we're not entitled to any info whatsoever, the only thing we're entitled to is beta and the finished product.

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