27th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. nolan1024

    nolan1024 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    omagerd sterbound!!!! anyway..... im loving the villages also do some guards have melee and do some have ranged or do guards have both and can switch?
  2. Leak

    Leak Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, on one hand it's the sound I make when something I ate doesn't agree with me and wants back out.

    On the other hand, that might actually be a good thing.

    And on the third hand - I guess it's subjective... :D
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  3. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    I can understand an energy useage. Now that people made the compariosn to Terraria anyway i can say that, even tough their grappling hooks worked very well, they quickly made certain terrain and obstacles redundant. Such big progression tools that came very early on already that had no scale to it. There is nothing that kept them limited to allow for them to grow as you progressed through the game.

    The utility upgrades in Terraria are, imo, a bit to binairy. Its all or nothing. You either have this very powerful tool, or you dont.

    Adding an energy cost helps dial back the potency of this tool, but at the same time allow for a scaling as you progress through the tiers. For example if the energy cost was reduced from upgrades or the energy pool increased. Rather then a blank unlock, poof now you can bypass any terrain.
  4. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now that I've started watching AoT I can appreciate this comment a lot.

    On topic: I'm glad that things in this game are keeping away from being spam-able but also at the same time have a sort of recharge over time aspect to them. Like the ranged weapons. I think that this is a much more convenient way to go about things than to have physical ammunition crowding inventories.
    tassina likes this.
  5. EnigmaticExplorer

    EnigmaticExplorer Void-Bound Voyager

    Update again :D thank you...
  6. zibbity

    zibbity Void-Bound Voyager

    Eh... I don't like the idea of putting an energy restriction on the grappling hook. It was far too useful in Terraria for me to want to deal with that sort of limitation on it now. I think a better idea would just be to have it have a built in max chain speed and range, also like in Terraria. Want better speed and range? Upgrade the item.
    Rin-Kin likes this.
  7. Frenzlin

    Frenzlin Title Not Found

    Damn. Those village towers/guards look amazing!

    Fantastic job Chucklefish.
  8. If you want to discuss the beta and things along those line please go to this thread -> Beta discussion thread
    Jonesy and firerider521 like this.
  9. StallChaser

    StallChaser Space Penguin Leader

    I don't see energy cost as a problem. Energy regenerates, so it's not like you'll get permanently trapped by lack of energy. It just means you have to stay aware of energy, so you're not draining it to 0 if you know what's best for you. Also, having good game balance doesn't take away from "freedom" in a sandbox game. At least, not any more than gravity, not being able to go through solid blocks, taking damage from enemy attacks, having limited resources, etc.
    Leak and tassina like this.
  10. willpill35

    willpill35 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You missed the point try actually understanding the post before replying.
  11. Spoonicorn

    Spoonicorn Space Spelunker

    soooo ready
  12. restredainted

    restredainted Phantasmal Quasar

    Coincidently, that's the game I think of, everytime I hear the word Medieval.
    I also realize now that I made a Typo, Whoops!
    tassina likes this.
  13. Aey

    Aey Pangalactic Porcupine

    It seems completely fair to have a consumable something to limit grappling. However, "Energy" reminds me of those horrible fakebook games...

    I'm just going to hold out fervent hope that this "Energy" system is absolutely nothing like THOSE energy systems.
  14. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    *complaint, banter banter, rant, example, counter example, enormous wordy post, obvious flame, mod post to stop flame, flame at mods, Blue's post, happy sighs*

    There. Am I famous yet?
    firerider521 and tassina like this.
  15. Tictaktow

    Tictaktow Star Wrangler

    Nice to hear from you again Tiy! :DD
    The beta is getting closer.... must have... beta......
  16. Minnigin

    Minnigin Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm lovin the forum badge Tiy lol
  17. Deldrith

    Deldrith Astral Cartographer

    I actually really like that the hook will have energy costs, it would be so OP if it didn't.
    tassina likes this.
  18. Sqwal

    Sqwal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh here let me get my Bedar *beep beep bbeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* oh yep it looks like its really close -looks at the screen- Oh.... Thats for the xbox one -switches it to starbound- *beep.....Beep.....* Still sounds pretty far away try again in a month c:
  19. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    Not sure if I like the grappling hook consuming energy or not, but gotta limit it somehow. Speaking of energy, will there be tech and such to increase it, permanently or otherwise?

    Loving the work on NPCs! Hoping there'll be exciting territory wars and whatnut. Carry on!
  20. Palacz

    Palacz Void-Bound Voyager

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