27 March - Wrapping up the week!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. TheGlitchKing

    TheGlitchKing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I suppose that checkpoints would be a bit too easy...
    Persistent boss HP would make it so that even the weakest player could eventually defeat the strongest boss as long as the player could get at least one hit in each time-perhaps the boss would have healed a certain amount when the player returns to it after failing the first (or ninety seventh) time.
  2. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    But this way even the weakest player would get their money's worth.
  3. isaackoz

    isaackoz Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you Kyren (and everyone else)! Redoing those missions is a pain in the butt. Maybe, like someone else said, add this feature to casual mode only.
  4. AntiStoned

    AntiStoned Big Damn Hero

    Great, the names would be changed as well.
    I'm hoping I won't see names such as
    Fish Kisser
    or Plant Stabber
    or Gas Dancer
    or anything that's just weird.
  5. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Sweet, no need to do a whole instance again because you die~

    And I loooove that sketch in middle. Stylish sci-fi hoodie! I want that to be in game.
  6. Starboundbyboundedstars

    Starboundbyboundedstars Void-Bound Voyager

    There is a MAJOR problem with server stability. Currently, they can only hold up to 10-15 without constant crashing, plus a five minute reboot, every 30 minutes. It makes RP situations very hard.
  7. DarkMInds

    DarkMInds Void-Bound Voyager

    Persistent unique worlds you say? Mayhap we'll see something like that crashed ship you teased us way back when we were all still waiting to play the game. Back before the first roadmap was even put up. :O

  8. alchemygear

    alchemygear Void-Bound Voyager

    Its nice to see some floran art concepts. Its the only race I have ever played since I bought it. If the race is scavengers then it would be nice to see some more technology intertwined into there villages not just the primitive parts. They seem so dumb compared to other races. If they managed space flight from scavenged parts then there should be more technology in there culture not just bones and reeds. I just hope that the floran race comes to par with other races instead of being treated like stupid savages. Sorry for ranting just seemed like a good time to say something. I have never posted here at any of the news or updates on this offical thread.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  9. MrChow

    MrChow Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not really. If these worlds will be persistent, you won't be able to endlessly loot them. :lod:
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Endlessly looting single planets is interesting to you. Persistent unique worlds (along with regular ones that always were persistent) are interesting to me. It's that simple.
    The | Suit likes this.
  11. Prammus

    Prammus Void-Bound Voyager

    But does a furry's opinion matter? (I keed, I keed)
    MrChow likes this.
  12. TheGlitchKing

    TheGlitchKing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    By "weakest player" I meant a player with the worst gear, not a player with the worst skills.
    dropdead likes this.
  13. starbirdie

    starbirdie Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay, I'm one of the last ones! but can you include these in the new gaming future!?

    1. For muliplayers-New customizable ship feature that allows the players to upgrade ship by buying parts, equipment, weapons etc. from different vendors.
    2. For multipayers-Ability for new enemy space ships such as space pirates and aliens to attack and raid players spaceships and then allow the players the ability to counter attack and board their space ships.
    3. For multiplayers-The use of new deployable satellites that will spawn messages from a new buildable command center onboard the main ship that will send instant messages to HDTV, radios, different equipment on different planets such as photos, music, instructions etc.
    4. For multiplayers-The ability to capture different creatures and train them and or use them onboard ship for different reasons.
  14. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Oooh! Traditional Japanese Hylotl culture!
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Looks good - more persistent worlds will really make the universe have a more solid feel. Especially if merchant trade becomes a possibility.
    TheGlitchKing, GenoMech and Kawa like this.
  16. tomatelopes

    tomatelopes Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Please, no easy missions. No temperature, no hunger, no thrist. And now no mission difficulty. You will make me quit the game. :\
    MrChow likes this.
  17. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    You know, about merchants, i noticed that most merchants just sell weapons, sometimes a race specific schematic, sometimes fruits and veggies, than out in the field theres people selling clothes, mostly human varients.

    Whats available in the outpost is a pretty good step in the direction of trade with each merchant having a very specific type of wares.

    Perhaps expanding on something like that out in the fields as well, maybe not on the same level, but something that will have players recognize more and want to remember those merchants.

    something like....race specialized vendors
    • All: Have a merchant that sells Survival and mining equipment, this ranges from pickaxes, explosives, ropes, medkits, bandages, etc
      • As a bonus, you can trade items to them for currency, but also by doing so you expand their inventory and when trading with them later, they may have that item on stock or more advance stock of that items level, ex. you sell them stimpacks, they'll start selling stimpacks with other varieties as well.
    • All: Sell Melee weapons (however the melee weapons they sell has a theme with their race specifically, and is expressed in appearance and name)
      • As an idea....if we do stick to randomize weapons, why not randomized armors as well.
    • Humans, Apex & Hylotl: Sell tech parts and schematics
      • May also sell custom or exotic tech abilities that you can gain from other races or from special or rare vendors
    • Avian & Floran: Sell meats, some that are rare or exotic (maybe meats of certain types of creatures yield special effects)
      • Could also sell specialized hunting weapons or traps
    • All: Sell Fruits and Veggies (however depending on the race will sell produce that is themed by them (ex: coralcreep/hylotl, currentcorn/glitch, etc)
    • Avian, Humans & Apex: Sell Guns and Grenades.
    TheGlitchKing likes this.
  18. TheGlitchKing

    TheGlitchKing Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wonder if Starbound could benefit from a few cinematics of some type? It could be a cool part of the additions to the storyline of the game, though it may be beyond the scope of the developers at the moment.
    Perhaps one such cinematic of the damaged starting ship falling into orbit around the first planet or something, maybe some with these new characters, to add a feel for the story-I feel it may be hard to have an effective storyline with small, pixelated figures representing characters.
  19. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    Perhaps like

    • Beginning Intro of your ship when you first start
    • Intro to your first planet, giving you a glimpse of your surroundings (or intro to your first time on any new biome type planet like the first time on a snow planet or a toxic planet)
    • Your first space jump with your ship
    • Your first time visiting the outpost
    • Intro/outro for each of your special missions
    TheGlitchKing likes this.
  20. MrChow

    MrChow Pangalactic Porcupine

    And turn Starbound into yet another soapy press-x-to-win/skip-cutscene PS3hasnogaems? No thanks.

    Kawa, that was a sarcasm. :chucklefish:
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
    TheGlitchKing and Misquoth like this.

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