26th + 27th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ... could I.... or we... help with that? :3 :halo:
    Ado, Heebejeebes, Sephu and 1 other person like this.
  2. Mykin

    Mykin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And thus, we see the last moments of Armagon's life before he was tragically devoured by a giant sand worm. If only he had a burrito with him...

    Silly comment aside, I'm glad to see your working on making some of the nasty things in the game more noticeable. Though, knowing my luck, I'd still probably drown/freeze to death even if a neon sign was whacking me over the head telling me that I was about to die. Great update overall, now I need to update my "looking forward to" list to include the dungeons and being harassed by bandits in-game. Yey!

    JAGYOUARE Phantasmal Quasar

    I just checked the pre-order tab on the main site. They are almost at $2,000,000!
    Chadpole likes this.
  4. Earthboundtothestars

    Earthboundtothestars Void-Bound Voyager


    Guest wallpaper for October.
    Ado and Ragewar like this.
  5. Sabreur

    Sabreur Pangalactic Porcupine

    Of course we can. It's you crazy carbon-based lifeforms that can't seem to appreciate the subtle flavoring of fine-grade petroleum products and graphite lubricants.
    cspike09 and Heebejeebes like this.
  6. samufel

    samufel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not really on topic guys but Bartwe is streaming right now , he's doing playtest with ''starbound : let's finish all the stuff edition''......:DD

    Also, really nice screens both of them....
    skuld likes this.
  7. Pimski

    Pimski Void-Bound Voyager

    Where can you watch the stream? o.0
    Edit: found it, sry for asking before googling...
  8. StarOrigin

    StarOrigin Space Spelunker

    I smell a beta announcement is gonna be made soon, though I could be very mistaken too but I'm being optimistic. :D
  9. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Bandits got to eat too.(even if they are robots & immortal)
  10. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Dem screenshots. :eek: Looks neat!
    Megumi likes this.
  11. Tictaktow

    Tictaktow Star Wrangler

    Yes, the easily missed human state of drowning. I myself sometimes forget to go up for air in real life whilst swimming and as you might have guessed, it usually doesn't end well.
  12. Megumi

    Megumi Phantasmal Quasar

    Good update but....
  13. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    With no fuel, a robot can move/think...
    also, the machine part can break/rust.
  14. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    "Earlier, my Glitch was tragically accosted by bandits. All she had to defend herself with was a burrito. The bandits decided they really, really wanted that burrito– and who could blame them? Here is a screenshot from her final moments."

    You forgot it was a poison burrito and ate it before the bandits could, DIDN'T YOU?
  15. Iyskreem

    Iyskreem Void-Bound Voyager

    If marauding bandits pursued the player more intently based on the value of what they're wearing/carrying, it would certainly discourage carrying unnecessary materials and items.
    Sounds like fun to me.
    Tictaktow, Axe Garian, Seir and 2 others like this.
  16. SpaceKGreen

    SpaceKGreen Existential Complex

    I have to admit, I may have made several muted gurgling noises after the awesomeness of that desert screenshot.

    Followed by wondering and a desire to see if that little bit of rocky terrain in the crevice means something/is something collectable, where's my scanner dammit...
  17. MEWMEW

    MEWMEW Existential Complex

    I don't remember sand having grass on it...
  18. Foxforce1

    Foxforce1 Void-Bound Voyager

  19. Liraex

    Liraex Orbital Explorer

    Watching Barts stream...not sure what he's doing but it looks important o_O

    ...hey.., wait a second, I saw you eating! There's no time for that!! GET BACK TO WORK! :mad:

    Oh god now I sound like my bosses, :(

    (just checked in on OmnipotentEntitys stream, and he took a swig of a drink, this operation is completely out of control)

    Honestly props to you guys, I get nervous when people watch me work, dunno how you do it.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. skuld

    skuld Phantasmal Quasar

    So when can we start watching the play tests on Stream? I know you don't want spoilers but... Stills are not enough to feed the beast... =^.^=

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