25th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Croyd

    Croyd Big Damn Hero

    I've seen red Hydraulic fluid, that could be what is shooting out.
    onerb2 likes this.
  2. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    From what I've read, there'll definitely be at least one boss at the end of each tier.
    As to what happens at Tier 10? That's anyone's guess, though I do agree with you. A whole slew of bosses after the 'final' boss'd be pretty rad.
    Maybe updated incarnations of old ones? "HUGE Penguin UFO." Or something, I dunno.
    Chadpole likes this.
  3. failcake

    failcake Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I knew it!
    Dam those chickens! I mean poisonous banana bread
  4. yay899

    yay899 Void-Bound Voyager

    I feel like you should take a break from reading the starbound updates. Just stop checking them, forget about the game for a while, and relax. If you're only checking them so you don't miss the release, I'm pretty sure everyone gets an e-mail about that when it happens, and if that fails it will most likely be plastered across all forms of social media.

    As for the pointlessness of the content in this post, all of it pretty much had a point. The poisonous banana bread was just there to bring her health down so she could test out healing items and tweak them for balance. Trees genning around structures is also important.

    Now I would like to reinforce my previous point, take a break, and cool down.
  5. Ragewar

    Ragewar Industrial Terraformer

    A break for me isn't needed, I check this forum only one time per day since there's only "one" useless update each day.
    I just read the updates to see if they contain the word "beta" since that's the word of pleasure<3
  6. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    "That's-a spicy meat-a-ball!"
    GhideonVakarian likes this.
  7. GhideonVakarian

    GhideonVakarian Big Damn Hero

    Breaking news, guys! Healing and status effects are now useless for an RPG! Who needs that kind of stuff, like terrain generation or dungeon's tweaking, anyway?

    Ok, no more sarcasm. This looks good. Clear HUD and improved healing mechanics are "sweet" in my list.
    P. S. Can we have a deadly banana bread cannon of death in late game? Pleeeeease...
    Schaazy likes this.
  8. Schaazy

    Schaazy Tentacle Wrangler

    KILLNANA LOAF......the deadliest of all food loafs.
  9. Idlemind

    Idlemind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I looked at the pic first and thought she hit herself over the head with a log and died.

    That is one terrible death animation - I sincerely hope its a place holder.
  10. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd like a Mario-like one ! "OOOOh Mamma Mia !"
    Idlemind likes this.
  11. StallChaser

    StallChaser Space Penguin Leader

    Adding all the extra "junk" doesn't delay the game. They're not grabbing programmers and saying "Hey, I know you're working on the physics for the grappling hook, but you need to stop, and draw an animated pixel art giant mech penguin boss for the next update." The people doing the art are actual separate people, who can do pixel art at the same time other people are coding. Hard to believe, I know.
  12. Mamont

    Mamont Void-Bound Voyager

    T killerbread.gif rue
    NixeonLow likes this.
  13. Vondred

    Vondred Void-Bound Voyager

    If it's useless, then WHY the F* are you reading it?!. Why are you even here? You can't possibly sit here and say you support a game when the most you have to offer is your petty attitude, and insults to the very people who are spending a lot of their time making something PERFECT for you -- for us. Tiy stated in numerous places that the game would be out, in beta, this year. And a lot of the community has repeated it. You just seem like the kind of guy who only cares about the game and not the people who develop it. That kind of behavior would make sense to a major publisher who gives 2 terds about their community. They only care about those numbers, and sadly, you fit in with those numbers. These developers are doing us a favor, an honor. They're giving us their progressions. And yes, I'm sure that they're getting tired of typing the updates, just as some of us are getting tired of reading them, but you know what? They do it because they give a damn about us. This is how they reach out and let us know that they are not failing us. Furthermore, these updates are all based on the mechanics of the game. With every update, you witness a breakthrough. How is that NOT impressive? If you're just sniffing around everyday for a single word that gets you aroused, then seriously, you're here for the wrong reasons. So do us all a favor. That little "x" up in the top corner of your screen. Hit it, and don't come back until you learn to GROW UP and get out of this selfish little world you've engulfed yourself in. And that goes for anyone else who feels that they have a right to spew their negativity because they lack the understanding of development.

    To those whose keyboards don't reek of ignorance and ego: I've been that shadow guy for long enough. I've watched this game progress and grow into a bliss sandwich to which I can sink my teeth into for days on end. But these impatient people are beginning to ruin my appetite.

    Looking forward to the next update!
    Ferrettomato, Zyloss and Darklight like this.
  14. Kingpwn

    Kingpwn Big Damn Hero

    For anyone who hasen't seen them yet, here's the screens of the foliage integration that Tiy tweeted just an hour ago:



  15. Seburo

    Seburo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ohhhh, that's nicely done.
  16. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    Banana-bread Boss confirmed!
  17. samufel

    samufel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think the glitch is anticipating the impact because if you look closely to the screenshot , he seems to close his eyes right before the bread hits its head .
  18. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Very well said indeed.
  19. ASANGO

    ASANGO Poptop Tamer

    My first thought was a 100 hp f***ing giga Facepalm!
  20. Aaron

    Aaron Void-Bound Voyager

    I laughed way more than I should have. Thanks for that Molly <3

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