25th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Requite

    Requite Master Chief

    Banana Bread? Oh, that's winning.

    I thought it was a brick. It's a little less sadistic now, and more hilarious.
  2. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    Maybe it's a banana flavored fruitcake that's gone stale?
  3. KrusLagiah

    KrusLagiah Master Chief

    Ferrettomato likes this.
  4. YOU ARE GODS!...
  5. Silver86

    Silver86 Big Damn Hero

    silvermoppe, Showbiz and Magma Claw like this.
  6. Immortal

    Immortal Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow. That bread is so toxic it detonates upon contect with your gastic-acid.
    Belgoliad likes this.
  7. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    thin ki can have some of that banana bread? :rolleyes:
  8. Mushi26

    Mushi26 Big Damn Hero

  9. Amber Talamasca

    Amber Talamasca Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh. great news and a great gif.

    About the just exploding into droplets of blood.. could that be the 2 million dollar stretchmark? (implementated after release please, no delays); Dramatic Death Scenes!
    at poisoning clutching ones throat, falling to ones knees and faceplanting the dirt.
    A bulletdeath? grabbing ones heart before keeling over.
    A sworddeath? blood spurting out in a small and rapidly diminishing fountain.

    You get the idea ;)

    Thanks again for developing this wonderful game!
  10. Prime262

    Prime262 Void-Bound Voyager

    status effect hud, hmmmmmmm. will the location of your status effect icons be configurable? im not picky myself but i know some people have preferences for locations of their HUD
    class101 likes this.
  11. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    We've had a few suggestions for a configurable interface, but I don't know what's the official stance on it. I haven't really heard anything about it.
    Tairuse and class101 like this.
  12. Will the Death animation remain like that? Is so, strange, i mean Glitch are made of metal and die in a blood pool? hmmmmmmmmm :rofl:
    Jonesy and Silver86 like this.
  13. Seburo

    Seburo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can't stop watching that, every time it explodes I just hear the word "Foodality" in the MK voice. :rofl:
  14. steelwing

    steelwing Big Damn Hero

  15. Extellion

    Extellion Space Spelunker

    Im 200% sure im going to buy this game!

  16. Extellion

    Extellion Space Spelunker

    BTW, im totally going to try out that bread!
    [​IMG] :rofl:
  17. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    buahaha exploding banana bread bomb it looks like.

    good to hear balancing and tweaking and other improvements are going in.

    is there going to be varying recipes for food items? as in, can we make poisonous breads like that and give them to players, and if they're dumb enough not to look at the tool-tip, they go splat?
  18. Chadpole

    Chadpole Aquatic Astronaut

    Plot twist, at the very end of the game, the final boss drops...

    ... a loaf of banana bread?

    ...anyway, are there going to be endgame bosses to track down and stuff? I'd like that.
  19. Fazel

    Fazel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Are you planning on adding some more death animations or we are going to explode in a blood cloud every time? and with every race...
    It's not a critic, i'm just asking ;)
  20. Dedan

    Dedan Void-Bound Voyager

    I laughed way harder and longer than i should have at that gif

    EXPLODING BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!

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