25th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    The Glitch has encountered a Glitch!
  2. Mongriph

    Mongriph Master Chief

    You guys should add "fat" effects.
  3. Wade20

    Wade20 Space Spelunker

  4. Osmedirez

    Osmedirez Phantasmal Quasar

    Banana Bread.. I've got this feeling. So appealing. blhadofafdjghg! :x
  5. mo'guts

    mo'guts Big Damn Hero

    poisonous banana bread? this game is going to have everything! :ninja:
    /waves Chucklefish flag.
  6. Derpinator

    Derpinator Void-Bound Voyager

    The trees.... They are learning....
    Also, how exactly is that Glitch even eating that. Or being hurt by it. Poisoning robots op.
    King Leonidas likes this.
  7. Insignia

    Insignia Zero Gravity Genie

    Can robots not have red blood? Instead they should have oil as their "blood" (black)
    Acadius, Extellion and Wildaces22 like this.
  8. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It seems like instead of killing yourself by poison, you are smacking yourself in the face with banana bread really hard. Also, yay update! :DD
  9. Heebejeebes

    Heebejeebes Phantasmal Quasar

  10. Starfinder

    Starfinder Big Damn Hero

    Very nice guys! :D
  11. Haec_Esne_Legas

    Haec_Esne_Legas Tentacle Wrangler

    you LIE. I didn't see you heal yourself with pie. You just exploded after eating the poisonous banana bread. lol
    clevernamegoeshere likes this.
  12. blackmib

    blackmib Aquatic Astronaut

    shouldnt certain foods be poisonous for certain races like apex love banana bread but it kills the fish people?
  13. lyrael_rayne

    lyrael_rayne Big Damn Hero

    It's a trick to make us believe that the banana bread is safe to eat as long as we have healing items. Clearly a lie.
  14. ViteLock

    ViteLock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just want to play :cry:.

    Go chucklefish!!!!!!!! I love this game and I haven't even played it.

    ps. do not take the first line the wrong way...
  15. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

  16. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Combustible poison banana bread loaves. I want food grenades!
  17. Psyme

    Psyme Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The golden-deliciousness shorts out their safety protocols, which causes their self-destruct mechanism to activate.
    Wildaces22 likes this.
  18. Hooveh

    Hooveh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Your comment was incredibly offensive to my religion, political stance, and race. How dare you claim that you wish to play a video game, then expect us not to take it the wrong way?

    Oh, you... you meant THAT. Well, that's a bit awkward.
  19. Hyrseht

    Hyrseht Void-Bound Voyager

    Furukawa Sanae's bread strikes again!
    TeaWithCarina and Hilkyshtuff like this.
  20. Hilkyshtuff

    Hilkyshtuff Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's what you get for trying to wolf it down in one bite. Now pass me the combustible lemons...
    Kittails and Hyrseht like this.

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