25 September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Gruntdonttoot

    Gruntdonttoot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is it safe to assume there won't be psychic teleporting guards yelling, "Stop you violated the law, pay the fine!"? *cough* Bethesda *cough* :fusrodah:
    NovastarX and DudeUA like this.
  2. Marianne Asteri

    Marianne Asteri Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's like Skyrim all over again! Kill them all with the power of the Dovakiin!
    Or that awesome shotgun you found in a barrel underground. :sneaky:
    Torrle and Jonesy like this.
  3. Mrrummenie

    Mrrummenie Tentacle Wrangler

    Looking great as always guys. Does anyone know if there will be reprecutions for assaulting/stealing/killing NPC's? And will they respawn or potentially spread and reproduce?
  4. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Or, if you're from the south- how much was that beer? It accosted ten bucks.
    NixeonLow and Lord Hatty like this.
  5. DarkZombie

    DarkZombie Title Not Found

    I am going to be like Jamie Oliver making sausages:[​IMG]
    clevernamegoeshere likes this.
  6. Latone

    Latone Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That isn't a "from the south" thing - that's a "rednecks everywhere" thing.
  7. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Awesome!! That's pretty impressive
  8. ExoSapien

    ExoSapien Title Not Found

  9. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Translation of update: "Stop right there criminal scum!"
    Floran Dungeons
  10. VeriChip

    VeriChip Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome work! Keep on fleshin out them NPCs, its gonna add so much to gameplay
  11. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    One of my friend love killing innocent npc...
    he will be served.


    A complete response of that.
  12. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    big question here:

    will we be able to setup and help populate NPC villages to trade with? as in find a spot, get NPCs to live in locations we start building in and have them take over and grow?
    tassina likes this.
  13. Myturtles.oreo

    Myturtles.oreo Void-Bound Voyager

    Or maybe when you hover your mouse over non aggro NPCs it would highlight them and the only time you can hit friendly NPCS is if you highlight them
    Silican Beat and tassina like this.
  14. Sirduncan8

    Sirduncan8 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That looks absolutely incredible! The only thing I'm worried about is hitting one of these guys by accident ._.
    Also, do they stay aggro'd forever? Like if you go outside of their pursuit area and go back later will they still attack?
  15. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Mod can always do it.
    Sure, it would be awesome, but it must take some work...
    Well, we will see!
  16. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    awesome! this NPC work is far more intuitive than I had even thought of. I know it's pretty simple, but it really adds a feel of "I'm not the king of everyone around me and can't do whatever I want." Keep up the good work! and thanks for the update. :)
  17. StallChaser

    StallChaser Space Penguin Leader

    On that note, I'd love to see some sort of enrage spell mind control technology that can cause maximum mayhem while you use some sort of 100% chameleon cloaking technology to watch and laugh without being in any danger yourself. Not that this is anything like any existing game out there, nosiree!
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  18. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    Those Who Hunt Villagers....
  19. TheJudge

    TheJudge Space Penguin Leader

    Molly, you are awesome sauce. :love:
  20. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Hey Molly any chance npcs can be recruited as crew and tag along on our adventures like npcs in Skyrim or other games can be hired or befriended? That or work aboard our ship and so on?

    I still want that Spock second in command. Sorry to keep asking but I remember you guys mentioning crews or something like it (I could be mistaken) and really want to know. ;)
    Blue Hair, R234, tassina and 2 others like this.

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