24th of June, 2014: More Terramart Stuff.

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Kozakana

    Kozakana Poptop Tamer

    Well, it's called a "gardening" chain store, sooo..
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    You're on a roll today, aren't you? :)
  3. Kozakana

    Kozakana Poptop Tamer

    On a roll? Well I am baked! Hahah! Bakery joke!

    But seriously, don't do drugs.
    Jeoshua likes this.
  4. locustgate

    locustgate Big Damn Hero

    Why fish eat each other constantly.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  5. Akhar

    Akhar Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it's more like a human selling chickens and cows and whatnot. These plants don't generally tend to grow into intelligent, cute, bouncy, oddly attractive predators.
    Ausdrake likes this.
  6. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I like the floran one.:megusta:
    Imagine a floran hitting on a girl.He'd be like:"Heyyyyyyy guuuuurls wanna ssssssseeeee my...BANANA?"
  7. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Because it's actually FILTHY :D

    Gardening tools are a whole different ballgame for Florans.
    Kawa likes this.
  8. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    That Floran is my exact character... Right down to the colors. I've been using her since the start.
    Wouldn't it be "stamen" instead of banana? Banana seems like it would be more of an Apex line.
    Jeoshua likes this.
  9. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    Why was I expecting the Hylotl to be smacking the counter with a paper fan like a certain Magikarp vendor....?

    And yeah, that Floran looks utterly cute and bubbly.... Floran acceptsss payment in flesssh too!!
  10. Caitsen

    Caitsen Void-Bound Voyager

    Just curious, will there happen to a Novakid one?
  11. locustgate

    locustgate Big Damn Hero

    Novakids are a late stage race, so probably not for a year(?).
  12. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    im kinda hoping they are secretly working on them and not telling us......i know its delusional but a man can dream :rofl:
  13. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Taking things too seriously. Hylotl vegetarianism is a cultural choice and the Floran invasion didn't force them to become omnivorous, it's always been a choice. It reflects the arrogance of their base racial identity and the perpetuation of being better than they are due to various reasons.

    The little blurbs we get from examining range from serious to outright silly, so it's not really practical to base an assumption of solidarity with fish.

    And don't judge cultures for the culinary habits. We may disagree with them but trust me when I say that many cultures would find your eating habits strange and even offensive themselves.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  14. Karth

    Karth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Human: You could be rockin' DEEZ GUNS if you turn to a life of farming too! Puny weapons dealer.

    That, and I never really envisioned Floran seed pods being that jiggly...
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
  15. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    That Floran merchant is aborable!
    I can already imagine her regular customers...

    "Hello pretty Floran!
    Pretty Floran sssells plantss yess?
    Pretty Floran also a plant, yess?
    Floran buy pretty Floran yess?
    W-what?! No sswords! No sstab Floran!
    Floran essscape crazy florissst!"
    Heartstrings and Karth like this.
  16. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    I like it! Nice variety.
  17. AppleKingSandwich

    AppleKingSandwich Master Chief

    Well, pistil, stamen is more akin to the female part of the flower's reproductive system, but yeah.

    Also, I'm still perplexed as to why three of these races have chosen to forgo clothing. I mean, it's not that bad when it's just a gardening shop, but imagine having your fast food served to you by a shirtless ape... ech.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  18. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Delicious. :badpokerface:
  19. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Well, I guess it's fine for the glitch. But I don't get the others. Maybe they think it'll help sell? :badpokerface:
    Heartstrings likes this.
  20. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Brilliant work with the updates.

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