24th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. ZephGrey

    ZephGrey Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's going to take a while, but it's an amazing idea, and well worth the effort!
  2. wkvs

    wkvs Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm upset about wasting time to add DirectX support. Anybody that have more or less normal graphic have OpenGL with version at least 3.2-3.3 (with latest drivers), and this is enough to make game normally, isn't it? Only tesselation isn't guarantied on this version, but in 2d-game it isn't needed :( I'm Windows user, but even I don't worry about support DX. And for Mac and Linux users DX is totally unusable
  3. 70calories

    70calories Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well I'm sure they are capable of speech it's ether because they haven't begun the process of creating the Novakids and adding them into the game or because of there short term memory would prevent them from retaining knowledge beyond necessary thought it is also stated that they may not even know about there own past so even if they ran across one of there ancient Items they may not know anything about it cause that information was lost in there history do to there mental state

    Edit: It is also stated that they have no desire to keep track of there history so there past is lost to them
  4. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    That's really cool. I'm one of those people that will pretty much try to read the description of everything. It's even cooler that each race will describe it differently.

    I very very much appreciate this kind of thing, and just hope the devs know. It seems like such a tiny thing that no one would care about, but it makes a huge difference to me at least.
    70calories likes this.
  5. Undead

    Undead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    can you announce the beta because I'm going insane waiting for this game
    at lest tell us if its going to be in the next couple months please
    sorry about my complaining but dammm this game looks like so much FUN
  6. Undead

    Undead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    lol hes like o shit well its only 6200 left
  7. 70calories

    70calories Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    the beta/game will be released within the next 6 mouths
  8. bonbon12k

    bonbon12k Void-Bound Voyager

    *Avian finds cooked chicken*
    tooltip - ... :'(
    Jaguarkia, Ceteria, Repede and 6 others like this.
  9. MachineRiver6

    MachineRiver6 Void-Bound Voyager

    This is very interesting. This also provides an opportunity to add a little humor to the game. Such as in games like Don't Starve, where each character examines things differently and some of the examinations are quite humorous. :monkey:
  10. LordPants

    LordPants Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Item explanation? Sounds like intern work your time should be spent on something more important...
  11. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    Stop with this seriously, only Tiy was working on this, the other devs are focused on other things....
    MoonyJello and 70calories like this.
  12. ghostlll1992

    ghostlll1992 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    then wheres the race intro ???
  13. dante2070

    dante2070 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    look at the bright side at least you don't have to do OVER 9000:rofl:
  14. Draks

    Draks Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That is just.. All the loves. All of them.:rainbow:
  15. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    good work dev
  16. sieg131

    sieg131 Aquatic Astronaut

    i'm suprised this is getting negative feed back, my only comment is i'd like to see the original tool tip in the inventory, i think that's what he meant we get, but just to make sure :)
  17. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Y'know, it might be worth a shot to have a big suggestion thread for tooltips. We could totally save you some time if you wanted to let us help out.
  18. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    That was so funny I forgot to laugh
    Lost in Nowhere and ziberoo like this.
  19. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh man Tiy that is a lot of writing you have to do. At least it is for a good cause such as making an awesome game. Keep up the good work and I am sure if you get stumped for ideas on tool tips a lot of forum peeps here will be ready to assist!

    Every time I see a "first" post I think to my self O rly Captain Obvious please tell me another.
  20. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Wow, you're certainly pulling out all the stops, Tiy. 6k+ comments to write, and you've already done 800? You sure you're not cybernetically augmented?

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