24th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. LFPO8k

    LFPO8k Subatomic Cosmonaut

    novakids will just say: it looks like... uhh... what was I talking about?
    Jaguarkia, Ahbahl, Ignis and 14 others like this.
  2. RomyCat

    RomyCat Industrial Terraformer

    My mind is boggled. So much work. Wish I could help. Sounds fun ...except for the massive amount needed. Still I would love to write from the different races view of an objects. I'm sure you will do a great job.
  3. Tiy can you add a picture of yourself as an in-game decoration? I want to put you on my walls. ALL of my walls.
  4. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    At some point can we train or change our character to react or comment the way we want to? Say as time progresses and our character is exposed to more, we can change and choose how we want our character to comment? Say have an Avian talk or comment like a Novakid towards end-game? Or allow us to have a side-passive skill called "race-knowledge", increasing the more we study and learn about the other races, and in turn allow us to decipher the objects and ruins regardless of race as long as we are knowledgeable enough?
  5. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Damn Tiy, you must be the king of reporitoire after all that.

    How do you figure out how to make 6000 tooltips of witty dialogue?
  6. Mia-Hime

    Mia-Hime Guest

    Sometimes..I don't know if the game have been progressing through the year, or it was never something solid like they said it was :<
    Cruellyricisti, Jason Bates and Nylas like this.
  7. dannyboy8899

    dannyboy8899 Aquatic Astronaut

    This just goes to show the IMMENSE amount of work for each race! All the races look so awesome:proper: I cant even decide which to be!
    keep the updates flowing!
  8. Deathgarnet

    Deathgarnet Title Not Found

    The amount of detail you guys are going into with little things like this is amazing. Would it be spam controlled ? cause i can imagine people trolling with that. Clogging up the screen with walls of text. .. .But this is unreal.
  9. over01

    over01 Big Damn Hero

    another great update.:)
  10. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    What happened to the weekend projects?
  11. aljam

    aljam Cosmic Narwhal

    Writing up 6000+ descriptions must be a grueling task. Can't wait to examine everything like and old school point and click adventure game.
    Jaguarkia and dannyboy8899 like this.
  12. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    Thanks Chucklefish Team :rofl:
  13. thetokenshadow

    thetokenshadow Big Damn Hero

    That's a bed.
    That's a nest.
    That's a docking port.
    That's a resting pool.
    That's a rejuvenation pod.
    That's a bio-rhythm enhancement device.
    That's one o' them there sleep-getters.

    999 items to go.
  14. Lorpius Prime

    Lorpius Prime Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm. I am skeptical of replacing tooltip blurbs with character comments. Putting words in a character's mouth risks creating a disconnect between the way a player wants to imagine his character, and the way the game actually portrays him. And if you've got a different style of description for every race, the chances of one of them causing such dissonance are going to be even greater.

    This is not to say it's a bad idea, and it's certainly clever. I just hope you folks are careful while writing these, and are aware of the implications.
    Towwl, Dust and Phresh like this.
  15. Asuka Langley

    Asuka Langley Tentacle Wrangler

    So like, hate to be blunt, but is this a play testing beta we are waiting for or a mock "actual game" false sorta beta?
  16. 70calories

    70calories Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alright this is awesome each race comments on items and knows more about the items that belongs to his or her own race I think it would be cool that as you progress though the game your character gains more knowledge of items and the dialog changes to reflect that
    dannyboy8899 likes this.
  17. Nylas

    Nylas Void-Bound Voyager

    I feel the same way...
  18. Nylas

    Nylas Void-Bound Voyager

    I said in previous posts, that I think it will be more like a demo than a beta, since it seems to be a beta at this very moment. You don't need story in a beta...
  19. Musetrigger

    Musetrigger Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Now when I have my Floran buddy joining me on an expedition and we reach a jungle, I can point to a plant and ask it, "Can I smoke that?"
    ggh325, Jaguarkia, Ceteria and 4 others like this.
  20. SnakeX

    SnakeX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A beta will be available when the game in question has all of its main features intact, where the purpose is to comb out remaining bugs through the use of multiple people testing out the game at once. Anything less isn't technically a beta. So with that in mind, we're not going to see a beta for Starbound until every feature is finished. If I recall correctly, the only thing that we WON'T see in the beta is story stuff and missions, and Novakids.

    Though the devs have made a ton of progress, there's still plenty of work left to be done so we're all going to have to remain patient.
    Jaguarkia, Ceteria, Remmus and 2 others like this.

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