23rd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    (including dungeons) I feel like that's the entire point of expensive furniture and the 3d printer, so I doubt it'll change.
  2. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Awesome, totally going for the Adventure route. Outposts sound like a great idea, can't wait until you guys start adding more quests and lore :D
  3. Flying Potato of Doom

    Flying Potato of Doom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Im going to go adventure with some farming
    Adventure to a planet, replace all local flora with Potatoes, and leave.
    Mystic and greenman like this.
  4. V3nom

    V3nom Starship Captain

    One thing I'm curious to see designed at this point is how the game will encourage (reward ?) players to do any kind of settlement if the game itself is meant to makes us adventurous and travellers.

    Risk to find "another better place" again and again, boring "go and back", hours taken to set a nice home where we practically never are... Things that should give a too tough choice to do, especially for those who do not have so much time to involve. (it is not my case but I think about them)

    A late device that could teleport to your home and your ship follows you later (tele port prevent you to do so if the ship do not have enough fuel), an option or just a "cancel key" to shorten FTL animations maybe (for those who could find them too repetitives and are unable to "enter in this universe" enough for that), or this earlier talk about upgrading the ship and making it a sort of mobile HQ that can get bigger could fix all of this I guess.
  5. Flying Potato of Doom

    Flying Potato of Doom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I remember seeing a mod about colonies and whatnot...
    Would be awesome to be in game.
    And if you can fit that in, then you can fit the Steam Gnomes or whatever from the Monster Monster contest in.
  6. Vajras

    Vajras Void-Bound Voyager

    The possibility to follow 3 different paths sounds great although balancing it won't be easy. Are you planing on adding something like a learning-by-doing skill progression ? I think it would be a great idea since not everyone wants to follow only one path :) - there will be always ppl that want to master everything.
  7. Uxt

    Uxt Star Wrangler

    A planet where you can quest, buy/sell, all races there, AND includes farming?

  8. brandonlk

    brandonlk Pangalactic Porcupine

    Will the universe still be practically infinite like you said ages ago there is a x amount of galaxys with a z amount of planet's is that still going to happen like it is now
  9. Link100200

    Link100200 Space Spelunker

    I like the out post idea!
  10. Sonja

    Sonja Pangalactic Porcupine

    Technically, I think the removal of the to-be obsolete sectors will reduce the size of the universe from five distinct sectors to three. It should not make any noticeable difference considering how ginormous a sector is to begin with, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  11. kursku

    kursku Master Chief

    Hori shet, THIS IS AMAZING!
  12. So cool.
  13. Luihu

    Luihu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Outpost. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter-of-a-million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in the night, home away from home.

    I am still waiting for someone to make a Babylon 5-modification!
  14. Javerick89

    Javerick89 Void-Bound Voyager

    I assume with the removal of the sectors that each planet will instead have an aforementioned threat level before landing, which is cool cos you could find a variety of high to low threat level planets in the same system.
    I look forward to what PvP ideas you guys have in mind, *cough!* Capture the Flag *cough!*.
    The outposts are awesome. Lots of suggestions on the forums for cityscape planets as a quest and trade hub and such. I'm pretty sure that is what the developers are appealing to.
    The idea of progressing via acquiring tech to explore previously unexplored planets is awesome.
    Overall - I'm excited!
  15. snow_Soldier

    snow_Soldier Aquatic Astronaut

    Now that, is awesome! Best thing I have ever heard!
  16. Delren

    Delren Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree with almost everything. I think "breaking" the linear progression of the game is a great idea.
  17. GreyFalcon

    GreyFalcon Yeah, You!

    This DOES sound great and can't wait. Looking forward to outposts!
  18. Neontides

    Neontides Aquatic Astronaut

    Actually so excited for the diversity. I take more interest in diversity ^~^
  19. Moonfeather Moa

    Moonfeather Moa Void-Bound Voyager

    This sounds really awesome! I'm so excited for the future of Starbound. I really like that you're including different options for different styles of play, and places for those of us who like to build and populate without the risk of being destroyed by enemies. I look forward to updates with the farming system and renting houses! Also a way to make pixels regularly sounds great! Thank you!
  20. Terwin94

    Terwin94 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is this going to happen soon? Will it be in the first, second, or third stage? Please say soon. If it isn't soon I'm going to something crazy... Wait for it!
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