23rd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Huckleberry Len

    Huckleberry Len Void-Bound Voyager

    No, when fully grown they just stay as they are until collected. It was just meant to be humorous.
  2. Shaden

    Shaden Void-Bound Voyager

    This is full of awesomeness! Can't wait!
  3. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    broken fuel device?
    okay, how is this supposed to worl with mods, how is this supposed to work with the opportunity of players to gather asap some coal to leave their planet?

    Believe me, some starting planets are just a pain in the ass and I often left them asap.
    No offense here, wasn't jus' my taste.
  4. Aramil33

    Aramil33 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So awersome
  5. OldNESJunkie

    OldNESJunkie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hopefully the devs will have checks in place for the starting planet. Such as the amount of coal on the planet, or whatever else is needed, or perhaps all humans start on the same planet, all florans on another, etc...
  6. -Mh King-

    -Mh King- Seal Broken

    Will you be limited to only that one solar system ?
  7. Siveria

    Siveria Big Damn Hero

    I approve of everything in this post as well, This sounds alot better than the orignal plan of it being pixel based->mission-> next sector. I love me some metroidvania games, super metroid and the rom hacks people have made are still some of my favorite games. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night to name another. I also love the outpost planet, is that in the current patch? because I have been having issues finding planets with any settlements on them.
  8. Flying Potato of Doom

    Flying Potato of Doom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The progression seems better, but something still feels missing....
    Also, when are you guys planning to add quests and whatnot?
    Mystic and Dynafols like this.
  9. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Man this post made me really excited about the future of Starbound!! More than ever ;) Congrats on the path outlined. It sounds very very interesting!
  10. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Question: What about accurate changelogs what many people wish? Have you read that what is broding currently in the forums? I highly suggest you do and reconsider again the whole point of "not spoiling fun because we dont give accurate changelogs in content updates"...

    Whats neat is that this linear progression gets removed by the illusion of free choice, pretty decent this might be... requiring we get to know when this will be added though.

    Also: A big plus for posting this on the official forums and not only on reddit and twitter
  11. doubtful

    doubtful Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds fantastic, guys. :)

    I LOVE the idea of progressing based on what kinds of planets you can visit. This makes way more sense than the current progression--which, I fully understand, is a placeholder and actually quite fun!

    But progressing to more and more hostile environments is much more evocative of this game's adventure/rpg ancestors than an arbitrary set of otherwise basically-identical planet types. :)

    I also LOVE the idea of outpost type planets. This is what we DESPERATELY need--the ability to find and interact with towns/townspeople easier and in more ways.

    So...anyway, +1000 badass points to you all. :up: Everything sounds good.
  12. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    I'm going to be the angry landlord that never fixes anything and charges a lot.
    KONGIKU and greenman like this.
  13. Vynxar

    Vynxar Void-Bound Voyager

    Love it all ! can't wait for it to be in the game ;p
  14. Numba

    Numba Void-Bound Voyager

  15. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

    Oh this sounds like a really great idea! Its indeed more open and sounds a lot more interesting!
  16. genesis_mk.3

    genesis_mk.3 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    can you guys please include Wasteland Planets Mod by monomer in the next patch? it would fit the game perfectly
    and ps if you guys need names for the patches here is one: rampaging koala
  17. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Do we know how this will turn out in MP? will everyone start on the same planet? if it takes 3 tiers to get out of the solar system that sounds like a lot of low level players bunched up, especially the "farming" ones. or the adventuring ones running out of things to explore.

    however if everyone starts spread out then you might not see another player for 3 tiers.

    and if you can just fast travel to your friends ship/planet like you can now, whats the point in restricting travel in the first place?
  18. OutcastRogue

    OutcastRogue Void-Bound Voyager

    I think this sounds amazing, but there should be some real rules to the home building, I can see people that prefer exploring just build a few homes with a table and chair, it would be cool to have a Hoytle, for example, requiring a be under water. Also, there absolutely has to be a way to get cool furniture without having to raid some poor village like we do now. I don't know, just my two cents.
    Mystic likes this.
  19. Juriel

    Juriel Void-Bound Voyager

    I m already in love with what you re planning to do with the game progression =)

    Keep the good work guys ^^
  20. Sebastian Fauste

    Sebastian Fauste Void-Bound Voyager

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