23rd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I sure hope I don't HAVE to do all the quests they give me at the beginning. So far in the game the only thing I do for pixels is kill, loot, and mine for diamonds.
    I like the idea of only being able to have access to one planet at the start (it should be a fair planet, no full of lava or magma rock), but I better not HAVE to start a settlement on that first planet (I like to travel the universe first before I settle down).

    Regarding the outposts: Please make it so that the vendors have a limited supply of equipment and food, so far all I ever do is buy stupid amounts of ingredients to make my pies and banana breads.

    Also on a side note, I believe NPCs should be obtainable through purchasing, rare loot from chests, and through quests with NO specific reward.
    Quest: The Angry Purple Lobster
    Objective: Stop the Angry Purple Lobster from killing everyone in the village.
    Reward: ???
    (Reward turns out to be the quest giver joining your crew, but you're never once told that).

    When I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, there were various quests with a ??? for it's reward, and whenever that reward was the quest giver joining my team, I always felt glad for it.
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  2. MellowBadger

    MellowBadger Intergalactic Tourist

    Oh, thank god. At this point, the game's sense of progression was, in my opinion, the weakest part of the game. It felt too divided and structured, which really took away from the whimsical feeling of a random adventure. At least this way, hopefully, things will start to feel a bit more out of the blue, which is what I really love about any adventure game.
    Svarr Chanston and Mystic like this.
  3. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    It is much too soon to consider this good or bad. i will simply reserve my judgements until i actually experience it myself.
    Svarr Chanston, KONGIKU, D-16 and 4 others like this.
  4. Theodoren

    Theodoren Big Damn Hero

    I rly like tke system of progression (adventure / building / farming), sounds amazing. Everyone will do what he want and what he likes...
  5. Ureshi

    Ureshi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  6. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    What I'm worried about is the need for pixels. Sure its cool at the START, because its basically a tutorial, but if I ever HAVE to have a certain amount of pixels to progress later on in the game, I'm gonna be very, very disappointed.

    What would work though is:
    Quest: Get the Oxygen Tank
    Objective: Get the Oxygen Tank
    How to complete Objective: A) Buy it. :cool: Steal it. C) Compete in a tournament for it. D) Do a very difficult quest for it, even if they are nearly impossible.
    CalamityQuote likes this.
  7. Celd' The Magi

    Celd' The Magi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Totally excited! I look forward to being a DM. But with this current news. I'm intrigued to see the new tier progression. And content of course.
  8. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    i really like the sound of the outpost!

    plus i am glad farming is a big part, I LOVE FARMING! (not in real life)
  9. grahahaha

    grahahaha Intergalactic Tourist

    nice to hear about some of the planned content!
    i really like the idea of the outpost.
  10. Faeryheart

    Faeryheart Weight of the Sky

    Yay, this sounds awesome! < 3
  11. Shaggyd0g

    Shaggyd0g Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It upsets me that this glorious statement was passed over by all but one other person.
    In other news. This is freakin' wonderful news to hear from Tiy and the team.
    It's always been known the tier progression was a placeholder, and what they're planning really seems to be doing the Starbound Universe they created so much justice.
    Ignify likes this.
  12. SenorPotter

    SenorPotter Tentacle Wrangler

    Really love this idea, I'm sure some players may find the whole idea of space exploration to be the most exciting part of the game. Trying to discover as many places as possible, recording data everywhere you go, can be not only useful but something of a collector's item for those people.
    Mendacium likes this.
  13. dmentation

    dmentation Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't wait to see the game like this :D 3 sectores is simple and that's what we need, we don't need for than a Creative, adventure and PVP secto (opr something like that :rofl:)
  14. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Needless to say, this sounds very good, can't wait for its implementation!
  15. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    I thought the game was good now (albeit lacking). This is just amazing.
  16. Ponjkl

    Ponjkl Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds very very good
    but i dont want to lose again everything i made on my planet :cry:
  17. Boreas

    Boreas Aquatic Astronaut

    That Sounds amazing. Hope we will see more soon. Until now i am very very happy with the game :)
  18. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Sounds fun but.... I kinda wanted ten sectors... Then nobody can find my secret asteroid base in beta sector...

    Do crops wither in this game?
  19. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    when you sead "At this stage" do you mean then or now?
    cus outpost seems cool
  20. ChoMar

    ChoMar Orbital Explorer

    The Ideas sound good, but - dont get me wrong here - very complex.
    It requires a level of balancing and code-writing i have not yet seen.
    Im not sure about the Devs coding-abilitys, they might be able to manage this (requiring a 4 Xeon CPU Setup with 64 GB RAM to run a 5 Player server wont be funny... and remember, if everyone has a persistant homeworld with crops growing when theyre away and stuff will lead to an exponentially growth in required Systempower and -memory). But at least the balancing didnt work too good so far. Dont get me wrong, the game is not easy nor is it hard. But you cant find better Weapons than the one you can craft. And the CURRENT system has been out for a while.

    Aside from the code, i think the creative development will take at least 12-24 Month for Tiys team. (i dont say theyre BAD at this, in fact i think theyre quite good... but 12 Month for developing THIS would be awesome for anyone)

    So, basically, my fear is that we will get some half-finished game with many good ideas but also as many Balancing- Quest- and Storylineissues. With the PvP Sector it has a strong multiplayer-aspect wich is something i LOVE. But Multiplayer with something like Starbound will require A LOT. A lot of COding, a lot of Balancing, a lot of taking a lot into account. Damn, the last game i can think of where you could craft and build as much as in Terraria (as an example, i expect nothing less from Starbound), had that much freedom and Massive Multiplayer was Ultima Online...
    hrafnkel likes this.
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