23rd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. WorldAura

    WorldAura Tentacle Wrangler

    Like the idea of the three sectors and the quests.
    could characters be affected by this?
  2. MangoPhD

    MangoPhD Void-Bound Voyager

    How will this work if we want to be a farming adventurous builder?
  3. Then you can do all three. Its Tech oriented now. You progress through different trees and learn new things. If you want to switch back and forth constantly you are free to do so.
  4. Fabs

    Fabs Aquatic Astronaut

    Some way to save the co-ordinates of previously visited planets would be awesome for this, especially if building is going to be a method to progress. I would hate to move planets after building something great, to then lose the co-ordinates and never return.
    FelipeChoque likes this.
  5. Raymond1991

    Raymond1991 Phantasmal Quasar

  6. Huckleberry Len

    Huckleberry Len Void-Bound Voyager

    If it were me...... My crops would wither, my renters would turn into squatters, and I would be dead at the bottom of some Apex Lab. But I imagine you can master all three as the "advancement trees" are not actual tech trees, but probably unlocked much like the crafting tiers are (or at least similar enough, maybe farm x amount to get better seeds or some such).
  7. hample

    hample Void-Bound Voyager

    From where do you "get" the pixels???
    I really think you should include some kind of module, som eind of source from where the pixels come from, so they don't just pop in to your "pixel purse" from straight out fomr the air, like they were created from nothing.

    I mean, You complete a quest, sure, but where do you get the pixels from completing the quest?
    the questi window just magically spawns pixels in your bag?`

    hmmmm... i think you need some kind of module, some kind of Idea here, to implement WHere these pixels come from.

    it will appear much more well-thought in the design, and it will feel alot better to know that.
    it'll make the big picture experience a lot better, PLUS, you could use that source in the future to reffer to it, or whatever...
    I don't have an ide amyself, but Game Devvs are the brains!

    Please consider this!
    It's good advice in my opinion.

    Otherwise, Awesome News!
    PabloM likes this.
  8. Akkue

    Akkue Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I approve everything, it's SO amazing! Just a suggestion, if you guys get around to it, you should make a 'Creative' mode difficulty, so people have unlimited resources!
  9. CJfoks

    CJfoks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Good idea devs, as fully funcional space ship at start feals kind of too easy.
    Planets with all sort of environment hazards (No air, toxix air, acid air, too hot, too cold etc) sound very good, since there are actually more planets like that in space.
    I'm guessing planets like this should have no life (or limited), environment should be main danger on those planets. Also survival on those planet would require special suits insead of armours (like space suits for no air).
  10. Luchóg

    Luchóg Sandwich Man

    This is great to hear! I can not wait to be able to play and progress through the story how I want to play. I was curious if different level/material items will have certain benefits? Something I notice now is how ALL beds heal at the same rate; I think it would make more sense if the more expensive, both in pixels and more rare material costs, would heal faster or have benefits the previous level item wouldn't have.

    All in all, I am very much looking forward to this kind of gameplay!
    Felcreek and PabloM like this.
  11. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    holy balls yes. This is exactly where this game needs to go. More exited now than before.
    Anarchosyn likes this.
  12. petecz

    petecz Star Wrangler

    Can't wait for it! Sounds stellar! :eek::up:
    PabloM and Ignify like this.
  13. WorldAura

    WorldAura Tentacle Wrangler

    So like a quest station to redeem yo quests?

    Edit: could be like a paycheck :p
    PabloM likes this.
  14. Huckleberry Len

    Huckleberry Len Void-Bound Voyager

    My first thought after reading the Edit was of a Glitch "eating" the check and depositing it electronically into their purse. My second was of the check bouncing and giving the player an excuse to forcibly remove the offender. AndI wont even get started on the resulting Glitch "Adult Entertainer Credit Card" jokes.
    Felcreek and Heartstrings like this.
  15. Arkfall

    Arkfall Aquatic Astronaut

    I approve of everything here :rofl: sounds awesome... but how will this affect our current characters?
  16. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    OKEA + house renting = win and awesome, im already dreaming about decking out a high rise housing complex (or down low complex, building apartments in cozy bunker-style layout)
    BountyPunk and Hatsya Souji like this.
  17. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Or an interstellar credit union :) Physically collected pixels are automatically scanned into your account. Completing quests automatically deposits pixels into your account via merchant/questgiver instructions.
  18. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Sooooo much adventures... I'm waiting for the future with even more excitement!
    Thanks for that post.
  19. StarWeaver

    StarWeaver Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds cool. One thing I'm pondering is the possibility of mods adding new sectors to the game, so that e.g. VarietyIsTheSpiceOfTheuniverse adds the V sector where all of its modified planets are, but dosen't touch the base-game sectors; allowing such mods to be added in and out without affecting the base sector's starmap or planet generation.
  20. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cheers for the update- really like the way you're heading with this- removing a lot of the linear, allowing folks to progress in the manner they wish/preferred game play, and all the rest; hinted at and not quite yet. That would have been an interesting 5 hours to listen in on :up:
    Mystic likes this.
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