22nd October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can conjure beds from the void. They have cobalt frames.
  2. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    Gah, I want to read what that thing says but I'm too slow...
  3. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    When the writing pops up, click and drag the .gif (the pic) and it will grab a frame from the gif, then you read it! :)

    But it says,

    "Leeron is not the Glitch im looking for, I conducted numerous interviews with her, and she is not self-aware. Her windows, she claims, just require washing very frequently due to being downhill from a logging mil. I have confirmed-"

    After that you cant see anymore :)
    TheFudgement likes this.
  4. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine


    All Glitch are at least somewhat sentient (being able to feel emotions and have desires.) The "faulty" Glitch have self awareness in that they are no longer restricted to their programming, and can recognize that their society is not advancing.

    To make an analogy, regular Glitch are still slaves to instinct like other animals, like chimps. (They're still pretty smart and able to pass the mirror test of self awareness.) "Faulty" glitch are like humans, able to defy their instinct and do stuff like parachute out of a plane, even though that instinct tells you jumping from that height will kill you, causing your body to resist with fear.
  5. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm sorry, I had to.

  6. Emperor_nero

    Emperor_nero Tentacle Wrangler

    This isn't good. My book collecting obsession is going to be bad, just like in TES.
  7. Infirito

    Infirito Void-Bound Voyager

    Booty anywhere?
  8. Heebejeebes

    Heebejeebes Phantasmal Quasar

    I crash firefox daily with wikia tabs
    jiberish-senpai and Archer like this.
  9. syndoflame

    syndoflame Title Not Found

    i know the feeling lol, im a hoarder also.. 1200.000.000 blocks of dirt you say? SURE!! :D
    Katzeus likes this.
  10. syndoflame

    syndoflame Title Not Found

    drag the screen when the lore shows, you can read it all :)
    Twitch89 likes this.
  11. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    Geez I love that little appartment !
    ... Well, not gonna help under a meteor rain or wild brush fires, but still ! x)
    LunarAeon likes this.
  12. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

  13. Minihax

    Minihax Pangalactic Porcupine

    OneOnlyDan and Nedox like this.
  14. Sammiesam55

    Sammiesam55 Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh yay, another update! :D
    Ill be playing it all day in vacations i think.
    Im going to be so happy when it comes out! :D
  15. braulio1984

    braulio1984 Astral Cartographer

    Love all the updates, but seriously, we want beta! NOW! :iswydt:

  16. I like that the arrows/circle form a sad face. :D

    Yes, yes it is.
  17. Hangman

    Hangman Aquatic Astronaut

    Just loving the Hewlett Deckard, simples.
  18. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Admit it, you intentionally cropped the image to avoid actually confirming anything. :mwahaha:

    Very clever, but I'm one step ahead! I already know the next word in that lore was "beta".
  19. mooncats5

    mooncats5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Curious then: will bookshelves ACTUALLY serve the function of... shelving books?! As in, will a bookshelf appear empty until it is filled with books (and thus, will change in looks depending on how many books are stored - though it doesn't have to be exactly accurate) or will they simply already look full of books but still act as a book storage unit? I realize that having that many different item 'states' for a bookshelf might be a little excessive... but how cool would that be? :)

    Also, love that all this lore will be in the game <3 I'm genuinely curious and eager to read it all!
    Trowzers likes this.
  20. Heebejeebes

    Heebejeebes Phantasmal Quasar

    I spent a good 4 hours this weekend organizing all the books in my Hearthfires house by genre... Then my game crashed :(

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