22nd July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Creativity of Starbound fans scares me ...
    RomyCat and Яetrospekt like this.
  2. Sinvoid

    Sinvoid Phantasmal Quasar

    Haha Chira the items they are implementing are a part of the beta. These items were likely scheduled into their sprints and the final product hence why they are being worked on. There was no promised date for beta OR release however they are actively giving us updates each day... EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even on weekends which is more than I've gotten from several of the projects I've backed on Kickstarter. Those whom had backed them early on did so knowing they will not be promised a beta date. Idk about you but I was fully aware of what I was doing when i decided to back them. If you do not agree with what they are doing ask for a refund then buy the game when it is launched, I however like how they are approaching development and how they are interacting with the community. As a Game Developer myself it's refreshing to see an indie company that cares so much about their game and it's people to keep them informed as much as we are.
  3. Osmedirez

    Osmedirez Phantasmal Quasar

    1st thought: Useless, eh? Guild initiation weapon secured. "Everyone get your masks and slappers! Bobathenoob must be brought into the fold... mwahahah"

    2nd thought: When something's going on, you must slap it! Bizarre creature or biome? You must slap it! Or maybe something from the moon? You must slap it! Now slap it! Into shape! Shape it up! Get it straight! Go forward! Move ahead! Try to detect it! It's not to late. To slap it! Slap it good!
    Toryu-Mau and Silvador like this.
  4. lazyguy

    lazyguy Orbital Explorer

    Sounds good!
  5. Xotano

    Xotano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    creativity of starbound fans is NOTHING compared to the creativity of dwarf fortress players, if this scares you don't go near dwarf fortress, everyone that posts on the forums is basically a psychopath in the making. >.>
    Toryu-Mau and ZackTheGreat like this.
  6. I shall rule my dwarves with an iron fist, making 1x1 rooms for everyone, letting kobolts kidnap my children and goblin bodies rot in my dining hall !
    Toryu-Mau and Rin-Kin like this.
  7. Rin-Kin

    Rin-Kin Phantasmal Quasar

    You will get FUN in less then a month by ruling them this way ;)
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  8. Frodew

    Frodew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Bug fixes, woopie! And that's awesome to hear that you were able to cut bandwidth in half! :iswydt:
    Ἄνουβις likes this.
  9. Frodew

    Frodew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you mean beta :D?
  10. white kaj

    white kaj Starship Captain

    i think it would be even better if the backpacks were brown, but you could make dyes to change its color
  11. Ewan

    Ewan Orbital Explorer

    Just quick question, what do you mean by 102 building material? does that include "ores" and backwalls or is it 102 different type of materials that haw there own version of backwall, i am asking this because i was greatly unsatisfied with how little building material Terraria has at this moment.
  12. white kaj

    white kaj Starship Captain

    your avatar says it all xD
  13. Nohar

    Nohar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, that answers one of my questions about the kind of liquids we can expect in the game.

    Now, all I need are images of pools of acid, and my life will be complete.
    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  14. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    i dont think there will be open Alpha but there will be open beta

    365 weapons? thats one for each day of the year

    and hooray for weapon names and mini biomes
  15. The Alchemyst

    The Alchemyst Seal Broken

  16. BluntQuotient

    BluntQuotient Void-Bound Voyager

    Shut up and take our money and release the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But on a serious note, thats awesome. Keep up the good work
  17. thetokenshadow

    thetokenshadow Big Damn Hero

    To expand on this idea a bit, what if there is a traveling menace in the depths of space? In the vein of the Borg from Star Trek or the Reavers from Firefly? Since there isn't space combat, you would occasionally find "dead worlds" that are evidence of these evil being's activities. Maybe a cabal of liches has created a gigantic undead fleet that basically attacks a planet, strips a ton of resources and then leaves it a scary place festering with the living dead. Lore items on the planet could recount the natives as they fought the invaders, up to the final days where the undead outnumber the living and those that could flee, did so. Maybe even a tiny resistance village still exists and we as players could do a few quests to help them escape or have a chance at winning the planet back. OR! Maybe the undead control everything on the world and a powerful player could find trade or quest opportunities in "Skeleton City", where the nightlife never ends!
    Toryu-Mau and RomyCat like this.
  18. thetokenshadow

    thetokenshadow Big Damn Hero

    Oh yeah, and "undead invasion boss" would totally fit my last post. They land on your planet ready to break it.

    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  19. shhfiftyfive

    shhfiftyfive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    with that many items in the game, i do hope you have a more robust inventory/storage system than Terraria.

    for a pack rat like me, Terraria's (home base) storage is quite the disappointment.
    Primus_Capio likes this.
  20. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar


    Instantly made me think of this
    Osmedirez and Toryu-Mau like this.

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