20th August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Legris, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Nope the beta is for bugs they can't find, anyway they have to clear all the possible bugs for the demo
    tassina likes this.
  2. ddonohu2

    ddonohu2 Title Not Found

    I agree.

    Letting things slide and just saying "The beta testers will get it" is not the kind of approach I'd expect from these guys. You don't shoot for "good enough" and gamble on no big bugs coming up in beta.
    tassina likes this.
  3. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Ahahaha, I think only Bethesda is notorious for doing that.
    fadohacolu likes this.
  4. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Professor profesorson told me that they are gooing to release the beta on my birthday the 26 of october, I'm sure he is right everyone trust professors.
    Menasor, tassina and Lord Hatty like this.
  5. ddonohu2

    ddonohu2 Title Not Found

    Nah, all the guys in the Profesorson family are named "Professor". It's a confusing family tradition.
    tassina, Morzan and marchello35 like this.
  6. Xotano

    Xotano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    lucky bastards i wana go to the UK :(

    also i'm thinking the main two suggestions you will get will be "release the beta" and "keep up the good work"

    also also someone is going to read only the the bit about beta and assume i'm being impatient.
  7. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    I called it.
  8. Zyloss

    Zyloss Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They are probably tameable. :up:
    tassina likes this.
  9. dollvader

    dollvader Void-Bound Voyager

    Good luck guys! I'm sure you'll knock the socks off anything that's shown there.
  10. TFGoose

    TFGoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There is supposed to be a livestream on Saturday for the 90 minutes that Chucklefish will be on the main stage doing the live demo of Starbound with the Yogscast. However, I don't have any further details beyond that. I'd keep an eye on the main Insomnia Games Festival site to get further details. Plus, I imagine the devs will tweet something once they have a better idea of the schedule (as well as link information).

    Just pointing out that the full version release for 2013 is only an estimation (the word is right there on the top of the road map even). The beta is the only thing that's absolutely guaranteed for release before the end of the year. Sure, they both still might make it, but I just think it's healthy to keep the reigns on our expectations.
    tassina and Duke like this.
  11. Jackorias

    Jackorias Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh yay <3
    tassina likes this.
  12. Yay, shroom trees!
    Other than that... um... emh... Cool daily update!
  13. chaosskynet

    chaosskynet Intergalactic Tourist

    shut up and take my money Oo
  14. fadohacolu

    fadohacolu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Despite the fact that I've been doing game programming for years, the sheer amount of bugs these guys squash baffles me. They're obviously making incredible progress in order to leave so many bugs in their wake.
  15. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I would like to buy that MYCELLIUM HAT off you, dude. I would like to buy that off you indeed.

    No you don't. It's a convention. Conventions are never a good idea. Get the video feed from a vlogger. Much more sanitary. And it doesn't smell, either. Unless you're a Homestuck Troll, in which case, good luck.
    tassina likes this.
  16. Glass_Chameleon

    Glass_Chameleon Orbital Explorer

    It seems to me like the best way to find bugs in such a large game would be to use more people, like say the nearly 75,000 beta testers waiting to get their hands on the game.

    I understand not wanting to go into full scale Beta testing yet because of the quality level that most people expect a Beta to have now.But it really seems to me that picking out some of us to be Alpha testers would allow the Devs to spend more of their time actually fixing bugs rather then looking for them.
  17. DevDog

    DevDog Master Chief

    OK have fun at i49.:DD
    tassina likes this.
  18. Fireb4llz

    Fireb4llz Aquatic Astronaut

    I remember it used to be a website, although here's the video:
    Very old meme hehe.
    King Leonidas and tassina like this.
  19. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    Make another stretch goal! 1 500 000 = falling moon events or something!
    DeadReDead likes this.
  20. Now that's one ugly mushroom! Ew, i hate mushrooms. :rofl:
    Duke likes this.

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