1st October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. CubeX

    CubeX Void-Bound Voyager

    Bug fixing FTW!
  2. Zalgo

    Zalgo Void-Bound Voyager

    I do hope they don't dull down the dark themes in Starbound too much. They already made a gigantic walking pile of feces, the game kind of needs some darker overtones in order to balance it out a bit.

    Much like cooking, making a meal too sweet can be just as bad as making it too bitter. A balance is needed in all things.
  3. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    It's astonishing that in so many sentences you couldn't muster a single cohesive thought. You literally said nothing of value here. I think just out of coincidence, we should have seen a logical progression of ideas develop that would lead to a thesis or argument for something... But, no... Just mindless ranting.
    Taolaen likes this.
  4. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    You say I'm 'lick devs asses,' but I'm not. I'm doing what you said, and expressing my opinion. 'tell what you think about it.' That's exactly what I did, and you're criticizing me for it. And honestly, attacking the decisions the devs make isn't going to get you any bonuses either, man. Having a conflicting opinion is fine and all, but insulting someone for not being angry that the people making a game decided to change something isn't fair. And who said they cut content? They never said "Oh yeah, so we had a whole entire gore dungeon for some reason, and then we decided to cut it because it was too mature." They set the standard for how mature their game is, man! And I even said in a later post, myself, that "I'd probably like to mod in a gorier death animation." The fact is man, they can change what they want, when they want to. Getting flippant about it isn't going to change anything. The way I see it, take changes positively, because it means they're still working on the game. The day they stop changing things is the day Starbound is said and done with. And that's a bummer, bro.
    tassina and Rrueya like this.
  5. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Me too, brother... me too.
    Joshino likes this.
  6. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    Have you ever met a seven year old?
    Terraria update was cool. Will help stave off the withdrawal pangs from a game I haven't played yet. How DO you get withdrawal pangs from something you've not yet had?!
    AliceTheGorgon, tassina and Belgoliad like this.
  7. Forb.Jok

    Forb.Jok Big Damn Hero

    If people think something is being censored for the purpose of pandering to younger audiences, there WILL be rage, and rightfully so.
    Pingeh and KirasiN like this.
  8. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    certainly can't blame them for that with the abuse they get
    Won't be bothering with your mods then... Seriously? Stuff is being taken out and put in all the time. You're saying because they're not pandering to your specific tastes they are "less community friendly"? If it is just blood effects and maybe the odd 'in' joke that's a bit too adult then what have we really lost from the game?

    Oh drat. I just lost the game... Don't you just hate metagames some times?
    Silican Beat, Taolaen and tassina like this.
  9. lethem010

    lethem010 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hylotl masterrace!
    Oculemon likes this.
  10. Lacerda

    Lacerda Void-Bound Voyager

    Now the game is going to PS4 and PS Vita and you want that green 7+ badge. Sigh.
    Lazla likes this.
  11. Forb.Jok

    Forb.Jok Big Damn Hero

    Atmosphere. Artistic integrity.

    Without knowing what it was referring to - or for that matter, if it was just a joke - we don't know.
    In any case, the problem isn't so much any one thing being removed.
    The problem is if some sort of policy is (or has been) introduced, restricting the artists on what they are allowed to put in the game.
    Basically, selling their artistic integrity, and the game's soul and atmosphere for the sake of pandering to kids. I don't want that to happen.
  12. iCookiePL

    iCookiePL Void-Bound Voyager

    Age-friendly? I played Diablo 1 when i was 7... lol, but then, I never thought Im normal. :p
    I don't mind Age-friendly dungeons, although I will miss the spookyness they could have :/
    Forb.Jok likes this.
  13. JagBlack

    JagBlack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    OOOOOoooooo! NPC trading. Looking forward to features like that.
    Yeah same here. I usually check just in case, there's been several times when it was up before I went to bed. It's always nice when it does.
    tassina likes this.
  14. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    simple awesome
  15. Lazla

    Lazla Phantasmal Quasar

    That just the point, games idea was to be big and "limitless" now money has come and ruined it too.
  16. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    I dunno. You see the thing is that people think boundaries are always a bad thing but I've seen stand up comedians on their 'not for telly' DVDs and often they were better on television. Less true nowadays as television has less censorship but the point I'm making is that sometimes boundaries can make people more inventive and creative not less so. I'm not saying that's definitely the case. I'm just saying it could go either way.

    I reckon that the changes will actually be quite minimal as I'm guessing it was reasonably child-friendly in the first place.
  17. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    ^^ this, definitely this. i want to hit those critters and see huge explosions of bones and gore... why?, well why not.
    PositivAndroid, Belgoliad and KirasiN like this.
  18. kithsakhai

    kithsakhai Big Damn Hero

    Hylotl Unite!~!

    most advanced fish in the galaxy!
    Oculemon likes this.
  19. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Please use the 'Edit' feature to avoid double posting.
  20. Shadowyc

    Shadowyc Void-Bound Voyager

    It could've been a bunch of pulsating, boil-like plants that dripped a strange yellow-y substance, with the partially consumed skeletons of other races laying around, some of whom are clearly alive and in considerable pain, eventually being pulled into the plants where you get a nice view of how a digestive tract works.

    i.e. We have no idea what, how, or even where they changed it other than first Floran dungeon.
    AliceTheGorgon and tassina like this.

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