1st August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    So, Cover based shooting...

    Toryu-Mau likes this.
  2. gf1024

    gf1024 Astral Cartographer

    Nice update.

    Though I find it amusing how today's screenshot features what seems to be a partially done hellevator.
    Thanel and Core like this.
  3. Sqwal

    Sqwal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    THERE YOU ARE THE DOCTOR HAS BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!!! now now we must get you back to him so he can go into future and tell us when beta is coming >:I
  4. b14d3r11

    b14d3r11 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, im not flaming or complaining I am just noticing something here... When they say "beta" i think its going to be an actual Release... cause with the way things are now it is Beta worthy, but with the fine tuning and all this adding more content thing. Its seeming more like they are trying to skip beta and just get the game finished for a release... I have been patient since day one when it was announced Starbound was in development, like I preordered the first second it came about. and I am still of course waiting for news on beta, like even an overshot of the latest estimation of Beta would be nice so i dont keep seeing all these comments in the updates sections like
    getting my hopes up, and being let down the next daily update. Yes Daily updates are the most amazing thing in the world and allows us to see exactly what they are up to and what progress they are making in the game and I support that 100% but seeing how most of their systems seem to be good and being smoothed out shouldn't the roadmap be updated more? Also if anything Beta is supposed to come before release meaning when the game's % is around 60-80% done, like look at Terraria, when it "released" it was the buggiest game ever had like 6 biomes and not much content but i played the HELL out of that anyways cause it was amazing and allowed me to do whatever I wanted. Starbound in its CURRENT setup is already 50x better than Terraria was on "release" so even if they release the beta now, and us knowing that this isnt 100% done and there will be bugs and such then that would allow for bugs to be splat faster and allowing them to have a happy community and new feedback for their updates AFTER the game is released.

    Thats just my opinion on all of this, I still love starbound in its entirety, keep up the good work Dev's i support you guys all the way. But if ya can "estimate" a beta date try and do so, cause myself and plenty of others are getting pretty antsy and its better to calm those emotions rather than having people rage when they don't get what they want.
  5. Yanz

    Yanz Void-Bound Voyager

    The beta is out when the beta is out..
    They're not going to release a half assed game, beta is essentially when you are just about ready to release the game and need a lot of people to test it to make sure it all works correctly.. Alpha is when you play as it's being developed. I'm incredibly keen for the Beta, but they can take their time imo.
    hazzary453, Axe Garian and Menasor like this.
  6. Core

    Core Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I went to sleep, realized I haven't read the daily update, and broke through walls to turn on my pc :lolwut:

    hazzary453 and Toryu-Mau like this.
  7. Huzzbuzz

    Huzzbuzz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh my god, it's the text-pocalypse!
    RaphaZord likes this.
  8. Shalderave

    Shalderave Big Damn Hero

    Well me and my friends just play PAYDAY 2 and do silly stuff and we find glitches and report them, so it's not totally out of the question for finding bugs through normal gameplay.
    RaphaZord and Axe Garian like this.
  9. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    ".... but further playtesting with larger groups is going to be key."

    I like the sound of that. :proper:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. Toryu-Mau

    Toryu-Mau 2.7182818284590...

    Hoho, these UI are getting more and more intuitive with each passing day aren't they?
    User-centric design like these really makes us feel the love Chukle team puts into this.
    Already getting that feeling I'd get So used to these UI that I'll begin to Hallucinate them.
    PS: Duck and cover system seem like a nice approach to alleviate Melee/Range balance issue.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  11. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    Cool! :3
  12. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the matter manipulator don't have durability, but i think the pickaxe mine faster than the matter manipulator.
    Legro X. Brox 360th and kelko585 like this.
  13. John Caveson

    John Caveson Orbital Explorer

    Yeah... no. Beta testing is a process where an unfinished prototype of a game is used to gather data to provide bug fixes and respond to player feed back. Things that are present in beta are subject to change making it not just a stress test, where as alpha is a very early prototype to make sure the concept and game mechanics works. Chuckle Fish is an amazing team that responds well and interacts through the community well, their only problem is them not letting us interact with them. Once they do a whole world, (or worlds on the topic of starbound), of possibilities arise and there is so much we can do to help this game achieve minecraft status (everyone knows about it).
    To put it short beta isn't just a stress test. Things will be removed, things will change, things will be added, and good companies know how to take this opportunity to listen to player feedback and make their game quality. It's not JUST the finished game being tested by a lot of people to make sure it runs fine bug free.
  14. kelko585

    kelko585 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    because fu*k logic :rofl:
    hazzary453 and TheKlu like this.
  15. kik4444

    kik4444 Existential Complex

    Was Tiy doing something important today, cause he didn't post this, oh and also: "Further playtesting with larger groups" = BETA. "Is going to be key" = KEY
    BETA KEY!? Could this be a riddle set by the devs???
    RaphaZord likes this.
  16. John Caveson

    John Caveson Orbital Explorer

    A lot of people had paid for beta access and at the rate they are going they are just skipping beta... yeah, that's a problem. Oh and if the play testing with larger groups doesn't mean beta access, then that means they are just blatantly fu***** with us.
    ripclaw123 likes this.
  17. A pack of Oatcakes

    A pack of Oatcakes Master Chief

    RaphaZord likes this.
  18. Glitch1500

    Glitch1500 Aquatic Astronaut

    Someone isn't following the 4 D's.
    Don't Dig Directly Down!
  19. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Im not a witch ! Don't burn me on stake !
  20. Yanz

    Yanz Void-Bound Voyager

    I never meant as a stress test, but they're still not going to release a beta without mostly finished features. Most features will be complete so they can get feedback on them, and change what is needed. But everyone is complaining about the beta not being out, and getting angry etc. But the Beta will come out when the dev's are ready for the community to test it. With all the videos that will be made they will want their game to be viewed in a positive light, otherwise you see the 'It's not worth it yet.. wait till they release!' etc.
    ripclaw123 and Axe Garian like this.

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