18th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It doesn't feel like artistic anthropomorphism, in the eyes of basically all the opposition. It feels like a dumb jokes with barely any actual relation to the Glitch.

    Anyway, horses don't have boobs on their front chest. They have teats or something between their hind legs.
    hiul and TheRoachMan like this.
  2. PartyAlarm

    PartyAlarm A "Cool" "Good" poster.

    No but you might get made fun of!

    The Horse AI is the Glitch equivalent of a human having a robot dog AI. Think about it.
    Runetora likes this.
  3. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

    Easy solution:
    Titanium likes this.
  4. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    No, you misunderstand the main objection. It's not the anthropomorphism that is upsetting, otherwise we would be rallying against all the races in the game. Bird-men and Plant-men and Ape-men, all. The problem isn't that.

    The problem is that it's organic, kitchy, and quite clearly does not fit either with the art style of the game, the design of the "parent" race, and once we bring up that it doesn't fit and we don't like it, all of a sudden the main art designer trolls the forum with a picture of it singing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song!

    We aren't upset because it's "furry". We're upset because we're being trolled by the game designers for a game we've already paid for!
    Skyblade799 likes this.
  5. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    and many of the other act like them. lol.
  6. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not all of us feel trolled. In my mind for some goofy reason it fits, and I totally dig her, and she is one aspect of rolling a Glitch I'll look forward to when I play.
  7. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    The kind of people who'd actually leave over something like that probably aren't gamers, so I doubt they had much to add to the discussion anyway.

    I think the developers already made this clear with the Po. CF does take feedback and suggestions to heart all the time, but at the end of the day they're going to make the game that THEY want to make, they're not going to pander to what they think the community wants.
    Runetora and Silican Beat like this.
  8. PartyAlarm

    PartyAlarm A "Cool" "Good" poster.

    Crystan, I love you.

    Blitz, you seem to be upset, but that gif is hilarious
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2014
    Runetora likes this.
  9. Eonwe

    Eonwe Macho Man

    Sorry you feel trolled, I don't.
    Runetora and Zouleena like this.
  10. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    The ship is destroyed, also love the new a.i
    Runetora likes this.
  11. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm just glad it wasn't Never Gunna Give You Up lyrics...
  12. Poppinz

    Poppinz Pangalactic Porcupine

    oh well if it is just a joke and not in the game, then thats really unprofessional... if it is a joke in the game, then, well, the problem is that all the other races have good, seriousish, the glitch are the only ones who have a apparent joke as an ai
    Skyblade799 and Lecic like this.
  13. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Well what would you call it? I, along with many others, brough up that this boobed horse lady AI didn't fit, and that we didn't like it, suggested alternatives, made a huge thread, raised a huge stink about it, and what does the main designer do? Posts a no-content "update" where this controversial figure is not only in the game, but rapping a completely out-of-character song, in a fashion unbecomming of a game designer and more reminiscent of an off topic spam forum thread! 4chan material, not game designer updates. On the front page, where it is sure to be seen by everyone passing by, and at the top of the page where other, more serious posts might otherwise be seen.

    That is the definition of trolling. I've been banned from forums for much less than that.
    TaoJaz likes this.
  14. PartyAlarm

    PartyAlarm A "Cool" "Good" poster.

    How? Chucklefish are indie developers working on a lighthearted sandbox game, not Goldman-Sachs employees
    Runetora, TheNameless and Free Cake like this.
  15. Poppinz

    Poppinz Pangalactic Porcupine

    if it is an actual joke and just trolling, its unprofessional imo
  16. Eonwe

    Eonwe Macho Man

    I'm sorry you don't think its funny, I do. I liked the horse from the start and I'm sure others do too, so maybe they are excited about the update. I'm sorry you don't like the content of an update I guess? I'm sure you can mod it to something else if you want too.

    I think we need to keep in mind that we are talking about an animation of an anthropomorphic horse with boobs and therefore not get mad at this at all.
    Runetora, Ramones_fan and Zouleena like this.
  17. Firehammer

    Firehammer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wonder how Will ended up as a female horse AI in a Spaceship
  18. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    I mean, honestly, the way that the main artistic designer is handling this (ie. actively trolling) is actually making me rethink my position on the company, and any games it publishes. And I was a big believer and proponent of this game from the moment I heard of it, and pre-ordered as soon as it became available. And up until now, it's been a quirly, fun, obviously alpha but getting better all the time game. But now? After that update? Chucklefish will be lucky if I ever even consider buying a game from them again, and if it makes it into the game proper, especially with the meme-fest of rapping that this "update" showed? I definitely won't ever give them another dime.

    Chucklefish is free to put whatever they want into a game, certainly. I'm not their creative director, and neither are any of the other people who voiced their opinions on the game. But this game was billed as a science fiction sandbox, not "4chan in space"
  19. Poppinz

    Poppinz Pangalactic Porcupine

    im not really mad, more annoyed, as ive said before other races have semi serious ai's that fit well with them, why does the glitch get the short end the stick?
    hiul and Jeoshua like this.
  20. code14715

    code14715 Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe, but this particular Horse AI is a bad joke among Horse AI.

    Isn't one of the points of Early Access for the people who buy the game to have a way of affecting the development?
    Skyblade799 and Jeoshua like this.
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