18th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Wildaces22

    Wildaces22 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ahhhh, but I like over sized weapons... :(
  2. Rhondis

    Rhondis Aquatic Astronaut

    Hey Tiy, you do know throwing those promo codes is like throwing a winning lottery ticket in a crowd? It's not cool to watch people fight over it! So make it easier, message me the promo code instead :p
    Zichqec likes this.
  3. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or post it here. :laugh:
    Rhondis likes this.
  4. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    The weapons are still large, the icons are the proper size in the interface. That was a long outstanding bug.
    RedDire, AdenSword, aljam and 5 others like this.
  5. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    Looking good so far guys.

    Also I do suspect somebody has a linkgrabbing bot connected to the rss feed looking for humble bundle links.
  6. Cuddle_fish

    Cuddle_fish Space Spelunker

    i might just go buy risk of rain, it looks nice and fun. it's just too bad the keys wen't so fast:cry: anyway keep up the great work!
  7. aerionop

    aerionop Big Damn Hero

    Uh... minor suggestion here: if that "certain liquid" is supposed to be magma, then you should really make the lighting brighter. Keep the red color if you must, but molten rock is almost blindingly bright, not a dull glow. Unless, of course, you wish to make it hotter the closer we get towards the core... that would explain a cooler red glow when first encountering magma, then gradually going through the heat spectrum.

    If it's supposed to be a different kind of liquid in that image, just ignore this post.
  8. Grant

    Grant Big Damn Hero

    The keys are imposible to get to :'( and nice lighting effects! I thought Minecraft's were good, then I played Terraria and thought those were good, then I saw THIS AMAZINGNESS!!!!!!!!!! Nice job. I wish more communities were this hardworking.
  9. RomyCat

    RomyCat Industrial Terraformer

    My mind is boggled. This game will be on an epic scale. Can't wait to starting collecting items and building on my homeworld.

    As we wait for the release, I will dream of reading about the upcoming items on the wiki. Alas, many items have not been created yet so they can't be in the wiki.

    Would be wrong to ask for a Tardis as one of the objects? I REALLY want to time jump. [​IMG] If I had a Tardis, I would jump to the release date of Starbound.
    Orionolle likes this.
  10. AtticMonster

    AtticMonster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Everyone is calling it Lava, but he never once -said- it was lava. He referred to it as "liquid" avoiding calling it lava :3
    Anyways, looks great. I have already done a lot of sprite work for guns for a mod when it comes out hopefully ;)
  11. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    thanks for the great update Chucklefish team!
  12. Spazda

    Spazda Void-Bound Voyager

    looks like the dev team is having a good run with the bug fixes...
  13. FiannaTiger

    FiannaTiger Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I must say I like the lighting work but think it would be nice to have flickers of yellow as well to make the lava and the lighting look a bit distinguished from one another. Or just give it a bit more yellow tinge to the light.
  14. You guys get more done in one day than minecraft ever did in a single update.
  15. kpxtreame

    kpxtreame Void-Bound Voyager

    great lighting effects, and bugs being fixed is a sign that something is on the way, maybe beta:mwahaha::mwahaha::mwahaha:!!

    P.S: I swear someone took all the beta keys for them self.
    Cuddle_fish likes this.
  16. *Teo

    *Teo Big Damn Hero

    Mmmm... Ores.

    It should a bit more dynamic tbh, as in fading from red to orange to yellow back to red etc... That is, if it isn't already
    Noc likes this.
  17. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nice lighting dev good work
  18. transcengopher

    transcengopher Zero Gravity Genie

    Uranium bathtubs confirmed.
    Zichqec and Legodude1237 like this.
  19. Crust20

    Crust20 Master Chief

    Ooooooh looking nice.
  20. Zoro the Gallade

    Zoro the Gallade Big Damn Hero

    That sounds like a load of work.

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