18th August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Dobriyzhyk

    Dobriyzhyk Astral Cartographer

    sooo i think may be beta will be at once i49?What do you thin about this guys?
  2. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    Lol, I have no idea beyond what they themselves put, yes it does sound weird given from what I know of youtube is that it videos that are already made are uploaded and shared, not anything live. Am I missing something or maybe whatever method they are using is a subsidiary?
  3. Jackorias

    Jackorias Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The beta won't be released anytime close to I49, they're only preparing tier one to be finished and polished for the event. For beta they want all 10 tiers finished which apprently will take no where near as long as it's taken them to prepare tier 1, but you still have to take into account any bugs that may crop up from them implementing them, or any other features they decide to add along the way.
    Svarr Chanston and Prymael like this.
  4. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They might have meant that popular youtubers such a Machinima will be livestreaming. Likely on Twitch ;)
    tassina likes this.
  5. Lodus

    Lodus Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah.. you can livestream on youtube :rofl: features been around a long time.
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  6. Prymael

    Prymael Big Damn Hero

    Well now I know, I learn something new every day, sometimes without even having to try, lol.
    Svarr Chanston and tassina like this.
  7. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Jesus my neighbors are going to call the house arrest.

    I guess i find it funny when people I think of as morons are insulted by other people because it means my opinion isn't solely mine.
  8. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's all about publicity though. The Yogscast played it, therefore.
  9. Dylan Pinkney

    Dylan Pinkney Void-Bound Voyager

    Keep up the good work, it seems to be coming along great!
    Svarr Chanston, tassina and Prymael like this.
  10. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    looks like Tiy got out the bug spray ;)
  11. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

  12. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    my photo didn't show up
    Trixmay988 and tassina like this.
  13. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Indeed it did not.
    Trixmay988 and tassina like this.
  14. R0flw4ffl3z

    R0flw4ffl3z Void-Bound Voyager

    Ooooo is the grappling hook one of the tier features?
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  15. LiamandSammy

    LiamandSammy Void-Bound Voyager

    Good luck at i49 guys, wish I could come along and cheer you guys on. You guys are gonna rock. Looking forward to beta soon.
    tassina and Prymael like this.
  16. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    just look up " Mother of God " on google images
    tassina likes this.
  17. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    i heard someone say " the beta is a lie. "
  18. David_BC

    David_BC Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  19. nss68

    nss68 Void-Bound Voyager

    I was having coffee with all the starbound devs the other day in a secret location; and they confirmed there will be a beta.
  20. jambox5

    jambox5 Big Damn Hero

    That Feel When you read a daily update and get over excited at the notion of playing

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