17th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. JoeXz

    JoeXz Master Chief

    Heavy692 likes this.
  2. dickmalarkey

    dickmalarkey Aquatic Astronaut

    No sleep till Brooklyn homies! [chants] Beta! beta! beta! J/K....but seriously ;)
  3. That blue set of equipment reminds me a little bit of tron. Its pretty dope!

    GXVIII Orbital Explorer

    Will it ever be possible to change a weapon skin rather than just changing the color? For instance, I really like how how melee weapon 1 looks compared to melee weapon 2, unfortunately weapon 2 is way better than weapon 1. This would work like how a lot of games now have a "Costume" section that overrides the look of the actual "Gear" section.
  5. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    the game already have a random weapon generator system for this, the color will be used both for the random generated and the unique ones i believe.
  6. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Electric Weapons!!?


    Electric Axes for the ultimate win!!! :DD
  7. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    google is in cahoots with the government, true story

    but on the topic of the update dyeable weapons? weapons that look awesome? armor that looks awesome? MAN this is getting cooler and cooler every day

    (you know i get annoyed by people who do this but im going do do it anyway WHEN IS BETA?? sorry i had to get that out of my system)
  8. QuaziPance

    QuaziPance Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Google hangouts is easily the best way to get work done when you have a group of people who are not in the same place. Group meetings are essentially easier to do than if you were to have an actual in-house group meeting.

    Have you guys tried using trello.com for keeping track of day-to-day and long term tasks? I know Google also does this, but I've found the interface is very user friendly and is very helpful in organizing parts of large projects. We've started using it work for larger computational projects as well as tracking publication progress, keeping collaborators informed with our progress, etc.

    Also, on a more starbound related front, the matching weapon/armor looks amazing. I have the feeling this game will have more style than any game ever released.
  9. Desert_Rose

    Desert_Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    another nice update :cookie: *a whole cookie for the chucklefish team to share :O* :) also i really like that the whole social network stuff is like. if you want it or not. i haaaate seeing facebook and twitter plastered in the games i buy. i buy a game not a comercial after all. so im glad its up to the player if they want to do it AS LONG as there will be no specials. a bad way of doing this for instance is what the borderlands developers are doing by giving out golden keys on twitter and facebook. whats people to do if they dont use it. get shafted thats what :< hope there will be none of that :) anyway im signing off now feel free to rant at me or something. anyone. heck even trolls i could use a laugh! not sayin im moody today :3
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. SuperOops23

    SuperOops23 Void-Bound Voyager

    I cant wait for my quest to craft ALL the weapons to begin! ^^
  11. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    How is this a bad thing? You'd rather not get anything?
  12. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    What the person meant is if the Devs give away Items on a service/services only SOME of the players use, then it creates a situation of Haves vs Have Nots, which is unfair. ;)
  13. Flourish

    Flourish Aquatic Astronaut

    This is true, but in the case of Borderlands, you never needed to have a Twitter account to get the keys posted on Twitter, and I don't *think* you needed to log in to facebook to get the keys from their page. It's just text, after all. Not to mention there's a wiki which lists every golden key ever given out for Borderlands 2 and updates constantly.

    Also: that armor looks badass. Do want.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  14. Axebeard

    Axebeard Space Spelunker

  15. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    perhaps, when they first said mind blown, perhaps they meant blown as in their brain was so excited about the information that it was similar to receiving fellatio? eh? eeehhhh? mind blown again?
  16. Nhojyad

    Nhojyad Orbital Explorer

    Man, with all this progress you've been making you must be getting close to beta.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  17. dante2070

    dante2070 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i wonder if it will work like dead island were you get a wepon and mod it with things like electricity or fire (or some item the has those aspects) but still this will be awsome good work tiy:love::up:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. RedDire

    RedDire Cosmic Narwhal

    It's not unfair. If you're such a moron you would complain about having to make a Facebook/Twitter to get COMPLIMENTARY things, then you can go screw yourself. I did it, so what's the problem? You do need to be goddamn Rambo for this.
  19. geomark123

    geomark123 Title Not Found

    :megusta: who sleeps these days.
  20. geomark123

    geomark123 Title Not Found

    :coffee: time to wake up now :up: you have some magic to do :chucklefish:

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