17th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. 0olong

    0olong Big Damn Hero

    I like the hat...
  2. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you. are. awesome! you know the "people are awesome" videos on youtube and stuff? reading this feels like watching those videos :rofl:
  3. mkv25

    mkv25 Phantasmal Quasar

    Somewhere between cobalt and meteorite? I was fishing for some insider knowledge on materials :) ... what'd they say... 360 types of weapon? 10 per tier? 36 types of craftable material?
  4. leax256

    leax256 Space Penguin Leader

    probally over 9000
    Canopus likes this.
  5. mkv25

    mkv25 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry, yes, I was referring to the melee weapons :viking: I presume that's before all the random variations you can find... but maybe my number crunching gives an indication on the number of base materials in the game...
  6. Echo

    Echo Big Damn Hero

    I see it as 360 weapons, so 360 / (#of races(7) * speculated # of different types of melee weapons(hammer, sword, dagger, spear,...etc)[6(any ideas on what this number will actually be?)]) so base number of materials to be about 9....(360/(42)) as I assume that each race will have its own craft able style and that the others will need to learn these from blueprints but these wont be of a different "tier" per say.
  7. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    this is gonna be some good stuff :megusta:
    Bzubko123 likes this.
  8. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    You'll just need to get the blueprints from a NPC of that race, then you'll be able to craft said item. The blueprints that are sold may depend on the 'level' of the planet or if you have access to previous blueprints. It's already stated that there will be tiers for armor/weapons. Iron will be weaker than Steel etc.

    Not to forget about randomly generated armor/weapons though, they could prove to break those rules.
  9. Bzubko123

    Bzubko123 Phantasmal Quasar

    Lost Hunter likes this.
  10. Bzubko123

    Bzubko123 Phantasmal Quasar

    yes, i think this happens to all of us!!!
  11. Rhondis

    Rhondis Aquatic Astronaut

    Ok don't get me wrong here but, back in the Terraria days, I got so excited every time I forged or made a new weapon! But 360 DIFFERENT weapons! Dude, you sure know how to make me happy! The one screenshot you just posted looks great too! Keep the good work mate, and get some rest, you deserve it!
    xnez likes this.
  12. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So many weapons to choose from. I hope that they have some way to display weapons and armor too.
    I know Terraria had manequins to put your armor on, but It would be cool to be able to display old sets of armor and weapons in your base.
    Ceteria likes this.
  13. Canopus

    Canopus Zero Gravity Genie

    So are the weapons going to be procedurally generated also or are there only 360? 360 is quite a bit, I'm not complaining, just want to understand.
  14. Arkoonius

    Arkoonius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I appreciate the hard work you guys are putting into this. Can't wait until the beta :)
  15. Echo

    Echo Big Damn Hero

    Was simply stating this in another way to avoid people from having a fit over terminology. Either way a specific race wont start out with some of these weapons and will have to learn them through blueprints. That being said the point of my post was simply to shed light that I interpreted the 360 melee weapons to mean that you will only have 9 different ore types or so to craft from rather than the 36 of the person I quoted.
    Quantum likes this.
  16. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    There will be tiers and randomly generated ones too (probably following specific variables).
    The 360 weapons mentioned here are only the ore tiered melee weapons. So there's plenty more.

    Understandable was only trying to add to your previous statement.
  17. LFPO8k

    LFPO8k Subatomic Cosmonaut

    so we can dye weapons, armor, blocks... and have random and craftable armor and weapons... I'll play this game for infinity... and beyond!
    Sundew likes this.
  18. Andrew Ketron

    Andrew Ketron Orbital Explorer

    Any news on when we will be able to get our hands on this game? I'm so excited to see it come to full fruition!
  19. Hooveh

    Hooveh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mr. 100'th post, I'm sorry to inform you that no form of bribing, kissing up, interrogation, or eavesdropping will allow you to squeeze a release date out of the stubborn lovely devs.

    Believe me, I've tried.
  20. MachineRiver6

    MachineRiver6 Void-Bound Voyager

    My mind is a deserted wasteland because of the many times that it has been blown.

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