15th of August, 2014: Dev Blog Nova

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by GeorgeV, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    I think it would be really cool if you guys eventually drew some inspiration from Destiny for the Novakids. ;)

    they're all about the brave new world anyway
  2. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    One thing for sure... we modders, may rip their sleeves off, so that we can still see their Novakid-ness, instead of being Glitchy Cowboys.
    Titanium likes this.
  3. Atrices

    Atrices Void-Bound Voyager

    Great job! Now the only kind of armor people will wear will be the Novakids. Seriously though I will most definitely mix and match with other to find a perfect match for me. Suggestion: we need more Hair Metal gear (Mine looks great though)
  4. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    Well... I was looking forward to the novakids... now I won't ever touch one until someone makes less crummy looking armor.
    xnez, tre288 and MakeMeMad like this.
  5. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    While overall I think the design is pretty good, I do feel that the various armour sets could stand to be a bit more visually distinct from one another. I get the feeling that the limited colour palette is a pretty big factor there... it kinda feels like everything is black and brown.

    Most other racial armours are coloured according to the ore used to build them, and I think the Novakids should follow the same pattern. Unless, of course, there are plans to finally give dyes a purpose beyond crafting the paint gun?
  6. Hebephryo

    Hebephryo Phantasmal Quasar

    Looks great!
  7. Mecha_Face

    Mecha_Face Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree that the armors look a little too similar. Another complaint I have is that until you get to the last two sets, it doesn't really give the impression of more protection or more advanced armor. And on top of that, while neat looking, the final armor set just isn't... Impressive enough, IMO. It looks like it'd only be about as effective as the second tier human armor, maybe third tier, rather than the most amazing armor the Novakids can get. I understand they probably don't have the attention spans to make really different or unique stuff, but the final armor set being as powerful as it's going to be will just seem to have a huge disconnect with what it looks like.
  8. The Doctor

    The Doctor Pangalactic Porcupine

    please god no, the hunting knife BARELY helps with gathering leather, which is ALREADY a chore just for the snow outfit.
  9. nours77

    nours77 Sandwich Man

    nice cloth, but it is too light for armor, where is the metal you must have to make the armor ?
    the two last are very too light, the same in other race, poor novakid, all race have futur armor...
  10. Coolitic

    Coolitic Big Damn Hero

    The armor sets don't look distinct enough.

    Try again?
    xnez likes this.
  11. jlisc0

    jlisc0 Void-Bound Voyager

  12. GeorgeV

    GeorgeV Art Director

    These are not in a tier order you might expect. I'd give details but I'm not sure we've revealed the tier system :p. But the last armor here does not represent the last armor so basically forget the order.

    The colors are not set. I just quickly gave them some color. Also you have to factor in ores. For the violium you might expect some purple on the armor you make out of it. Hopefully we get the dyeing system working great so you can just choose :p.

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  13. janusforbeare

    janusforbeare Phantasmal Quasar

    That's good to hear, both on the colour front and the dye front. Thanks for the info.

    I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but one of the dev blogs (I think) a while back mentioned how armour progression would be divided into three streams per tier: fighter, gunner, and sci-staff. So that info is out, if that's what you were wondering about.
  14. Vivisector

    Vivisector Tentacle Wrangler

    Bonesaw and Clockwork are tottaly badass. But It's a shame other races don't have some similar armor (or vanity items). For example, my favourites Florans (though it's hard to find nice manly hair style for them) and second in list Hylotles can use some similar looking armor with unique addings (well hylotles more or less okay with their samurai style). Florans can wear something like Alien vs Predator and it would be awesome. (sorry for grammar mistakes, if there is some, I'm from Ukraine)
  15. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    My personal favorites are Gambler, Bonesaw and Bandito armors. I think that the names are fine except "Bandit" and "Bandito" are too close to each other.

    Gambler set looks like NCR Ranger Combat Armor with it's duster and gas mask and everything.

    These armors also remind me of this guy from Risk of Rain... [​IMG]
  16. M4J0R

    M4J0R Void-Bound Voyager

    Aw man these are great! Glad to hear there will be a dying system. I really love the bandito and bonesaw set!
    Can't wait to see more.
  17. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    FIX: Dyeing. We already have a dying system... that unintentionally robs your ores and ingots on Nightyl.
    Felix_Clark likes this.
  18. M4J0R

    M4J0R Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, okay. And I didn't know because I haven't played the game that long.

    dying. dying. dieyong. deying, diing.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  19. ToTeMVG

    ToTeMVG King Homestuck II

    the colors fit pretty well to most of them and they do look like they would advance in that order, but how bout changing the last one to something cool Like the Desert Ranger Armor in Fallout NV as a kind of easter egg, seems like that kind of easter egg would be fitting for the novakids
    M4J0R likes this.
  20. Frubio

    Frubio Yeah, You!

    Seriously... I don't see these sets of sets (haha) as an evolution line. They lack customization. It's ok, you wanted to keep them old west, but jesus our lord! They don't make me want to build them all, like Avians for example, or Floran armors. I had Novakid as my MUST BE class. Now I'm just not making it at all for these...

    I'm sorry for being so pessimist about them :) I just had too much expectation on the class. The other classes sets are amazing, I wanted more...

    Thank you for the attention and I'll keep checking the forums everyday :) as always!

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