14th June Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 15, 2013.

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  1. Malachai13

    Malachai13 Title Not Found

  2. pitfall

    pitfall Big Damn Hero

    Hopefully around noon I can stop by his resting place 'n drop off a rose. It's been too long.
  3. Starbound Helper

    Starbound Helper Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey omni, is this your "old man"?
  4. Spazda

    Spazda Void-Bound Voyager

    cant wait for the next vid on the game
  5. IndieGamerRid

    IndieGamerRid Zero Gravity Genie

    Not to incite that debate, but it is very possible for Kyren to be a woman and still have a wife. Moving on.

    The bugs sounded like an absolute mess, but good on you guys for optimizing the core stuff instead of leaving room for issues. That's way more important than making next-generation fish movement, even if people would've liked to see more tiny experimental features or what have you instead.
    Fever, McTurbo, Constellation and 5 others like this.
  6. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    It is true.
    Fever likes this.
  7. Megaman0816

    Megaman0816 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is Kyren married to another woman?
  8. TheJudge

    TheJudge Space Penguin Leader

  9. TheSpoon

    TheSpoon Big Damn Hero

    9 hours on a single bug just goes to show how time consuming programming games can be. If someone gets impatient on how long development is taking, i'm going to bring this up! "Can you imagine spending 9 hours trawling through code to find a single error?".

    Hats off to the programmers!

    Yeap :) Why else would they say her *wife* is dragging her places?
  10. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Another very exciting update. :up:

    Considering that the team seems focused on optimization and bug fixing, these are very encouraging signs.
  11. elferin

    elferin Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome update
    Can't wait for the game to come out.
  12. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    Thanks Omni for the update, I bet looking through code for bugs or finding the bug and then trying to search for that bug would be a drawl time, but i am glad you and the others are persistent. I know that you all will find all the major bugs that you can, and maybe even a few minor ones.

    I am glad the poor NPC's now have clothes. It must have been really embarrassing for them walking around without clothes this whole time.
  13. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    great work
  14. flatgub

    flatgub Astral Cartographer

    That I did not know :V... Anyway, I feel sorry for Omni having spending so much time on one error, the worst i've had to deal with was an hour and a half... and that was hell, so 9 hours :eek: unbelievable! I doff my hat to you :proper:
    Tower07 likes this.
  15. frostybubbles

    frostybubbles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For father's I'm giving my dad the same gift I give him every year...my love and compassion....because that's what it's really about....rite.(best excuse why I didn't buy anything...EVAR)
  16. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I will be spending fathers day waiting for either of my daughters to say "happy fathers day" which I am fairly sure they have both forgotten about.

    So that will be my day...
  17. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Also.. look at all those damn dirty apes!
    I am so looking forward to wiping out a many as I can.
    BrenSage likes this.
  18. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Oh, so Kyren really is a woman. This post made me think I mistook her gender till now.

    Also, someone should put that building on fire, they are freezing in there!
  19. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Heh, i remember having similiar code problem myself once. Once again, good job from hard work dev team !

    For fathers day ? I think ill give him beer so he can have a beer when he drinks a beer.
  20. IcyOrio

    IcyOrio Cosmic Narwhal

    I have some questions about these new npcs. Since I sometimes feel that npcs in games will be lacking, will npcs:
    Have their own unique personalities?
    Sometimes have occupation titles?
    Have any gender specific personality and/or actions; which sometimes can have it's exceptions depending on the npc?
    Be able to be befriended or estranged?
    Will certain npcs turn aggressive towards you and have a chance to spread that feeling towards a few other npcs?
    Will each have a unique procedurally generated outfit as well as weapons, skin/fur color and hair style/color?
    Will we actually get to have children npcs?
    Can we marry?
    Can we ourselves have children?
    Will we be able to trade with npcs?
    Can we start up our own shops within npc communities?
    Will there be a limit to how many quests were given or will they be at random times?
    Can we own a plot of land within the village or connect a plot to the village?
    Can we befriend people into coming along with us on adventures to help us fight, carry items and possibly heal us with items given to them?
    Can we hire any npcs to do such things or bring along our spouse, (if of course we can marry)?
    Will we have anything to be able to track relationship status with npcs?
    Can we virtually message our npcs to either find our location or find theirs?
    Can we request they come to us, (Possibly bring our child if that happens as well)?
    Can married npcs and children level up?
    Can we give weapons, armor and/or tech to npcs?
    Can we hire or request, (when liked enough) for npcs to do specific jobs for us such as slaying, farming a certain area or protecting a certain area?
    Will there be a jail for when we kill innocent npcs?
    Can npcs leave the village and turn into bandits/pirates/criminals that we can kill?
    Will there be jobs for catching or killing criminals?
    Can we rebuild a village and get specific villagers to live in specific homes or areas?
    Will npcs have titles such as leader/mayor/dictator or police/sheriff/officer?
    Can npcs have a variety of shops?
    Can we build them actual buildings to use as their shops?
    Will we sometimes lone npcs in a small home with possibly another, a wife, a child or any mix of these?
    Will npcs have levels?
    Will we be able to level them if they come on adventures with us?
    Thank you for your time guys! I hope that atleast a small bit of my questions are answered.:catface2: -Andrew
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