12/10/13 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Radkrals

    Radkrals Poptop Tamer

  2. ExplosiveDeer

    ExplosiveDeer Void-Bound Voyager

    I was playing on my Multiplayer server with 2 other people before exiting to update my client today. After doing so, I started up the server expecting to get right back into it, but it appears there hasn't been a corresponding server update! (This grinds my gears just a tad....) After whining for a bit I decided to start up Singleplayer using the same character I was using in multiplayer. The game crashed while it was loading, a message as such popped up:
     Error: Access Violation detected at 0x5d80ae1a (Read of address 0x7f4dbcc8)
    After clicking "Ok" on the message, 4 or so Windows Visual +++ Run Time Error windows popped up. At the time I retardedly exited those windows immediately and did not take note of the error messages. (I angrily messaged a friend the above error, hence why I had it noted)

    Now, I'm not sure if this has something to do with the continued interruption of the game by Run Time error's, but I copied over a save of the same character from a backup I made earlier in the day. After doing a few things in-game, I exited Singleplayer, and made a new character and launched Singleplayer. After doing so I promptly switched back to the previous character and crashed in the same way I did above.

    I could honestly care less about running into error's, and I am more than willing to post them to the bugs section of this forum, but I'd really like to make it apparent that server updates should be released alongside the client updates!

    Okay, so apparently this problem was due to STEAM! Go figure, it some how missed 88.6MB of the update, but let me launch the game regardless of this rather large chuck of information missing, which also happened to have the updated server files. However, I think I learned something most valuable in my many attempts to recreate the issues.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  3. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Haha! Yeah that was a silly bug.
    No wonder I slaughtered the UFO boss in like 5 seconds. :p

    Glad to be a tester. :)
  4. Asril

    Asril Intergalactic Tourist

    Well, i wondered about my bow oneshotting everything xD, but now i need up to three hits with charged bow. I didnt need to create a new char, because the weapons from the existing one got balanced. So i assume a wipe wouldn't have been necessary - for me at least :p.
  5. Fireb4llz

    Fireb4llz Aquatic Astronaut

    I agree with all the bird complaints, they deal like 3 times more damage than anything else on my planet.
  6. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    I'm not upset lol.
    I suppose they'll wipe again anyway.
  7. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Good work, great for explaining. *Hobbles off to my still newbie character*
  8. Segas Wolf

    Segas Wolf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh i see, now i understand how my sword kill... all the live things o_O
  9. Chrome Corgi

    Chrome Corgi Void-Bound Voyager

    The armor is still broken, and characters will still take the same amount of damage whether or not they have armor.
    vanella, Angelus.Nox and Koli like this.
  10. Trinkuh

    Trinkuh Lucky Number 13

    I'm one threat level 1 planet with a weapon dealing 11 DPS and i'm dieing from Birds and monster every 2 seconds!
    vanella and Angelus.Nox like this.
  11. Madskills

    Madskills Aquatic Astronaut

    3 major problems for me so far:
    1) Birds deal far more damage which is also ranged than other monster. Usually they 2-shot me.
    2) Crafting torches from the same resource that's used for travelling and making steel is really annoying. And you need far too much coal to travel to another planet. Maybe add some wood-processing method to use it as a fuel, maybe less effective?
    3) Most enemies(especially melee ones) are still too easy to abuse by building wall around them. Maybe give them an ability to destroy blocks?
    GMark likes this.

    LUCKYSL7VN Intergalactic Tourist

    Awesome! (now to leave work) hopefully this fixes the mac start up crashes I have been having. :unsure:
  13. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    PLEASE change the .exe so we don't have to download half a GB every time you make small changes thank you.
    supernovus and shadowrofl like this.
  14. Creror

    Creror Orbital Explorer

    Me and my friend already wondered yesterday, that the "slightly" increase that happened on the craftable weapons was "slightly" off. More so, after we oneshottet the Dragon King.
    Good work on the team for being able to fixing this bug asap!

    But now I wonder ...

    With this statement in mind, do we really have to re-create our characters for the changes to take place or may the weapons already being nerfed and/or you just have to create a new weapon on your old character?
  15. Sl1mJim

    Sl1mJim Master Chief

    Congrats on creating another update; the fact that another step closer to a bug-free complete game has been completed is exciting!

    However, when it was said that this update would re-balance combat, I was hoping my character wouldn't turn into a sissy and get bashed around by normally-easy foes.

    The shield appears to block no damage anymore, by the way. (had snow infantry armor, now have Sprout Armor)
    Coolstuff206 likes this.
  16. Felix_1

    Felix_1 Void-Bound Voyager

    Does this mean you guys are not gonna start deleting characters/worlds for patches?
  17. Crabjock

    Crabjock Tentacle Wrangler

    This patch tremendously balanced difficulty. Now, weapons are not too weak, nor too powerful. Each little difference in weapons give merit to exploring for them now. This is certainly the right track to take.
    xnez likes this.
  18. Kellanved

    Kellanved Master Chief

    My best sword and armor before the first boss are now worthless. Basic monsters now have no trouble wiping me out in two hits and it now takes me six hits to kill them at least. My iron sword has a dps of seven, my starting sword was better. It would be great if the hotfix could be reversed until more time could be put into properly balancing the game, because an iron tier sword I craft myself should not deal less damage than the starting sword. I've already lost over a thousand pixels dying repeatedly to basic creatures that I used to have no trouble with, I was ready for the first boss. Now I wouldn't even be able to scratch it.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    vanella and Pifflestick like this.
  19. CreativeCr33per

    CreativeCr33per Master Chief

    My character got deleted
    DrHax and Svarr Chanston like this.
  20. brightonmorris1

    brightonmorris1 Void-Bound Voyager

    GMark likes this.

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