10th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Mermidion

    Mermidion Industrial Terraformer

    Never Lose your MoJo ,Jonesy :D

    Also wooooh.finally the magical word "tier progression" have appeared.Thats what i like to hear.
    Also NPC Glitch market and all looks fine and such but i am also really curious how the other villages like the Apex one will look (and i mean more like just a house or to.like markets etc.) .
    But i guess The screensshots are kept focussed mostly on the glitch since they were working recently on them and also to give players still much to explore when the beta comes out.i guess thats fine.
    hmm i guess when the Novakids are integrated they will Probatly have something like an old wild west town?
    JagBlack and Jonesy like this.
  2. sonic5202

    sonic5202 Industrial Terraformer

    Mwahahahaha i dont have hype for starbound now!! THX HEARTHSTONE!!!!
  3. Ebdac

    Ebdac Star Wrangler

    I wonder what will You say today! :p
  4. Liacu

    Liacu Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh, I didn't know that. I kind of assumed it might be a bit inefficient to go back and forth for every customer but I guess I'm overestimating how busy shops would be. Thanks for informing me.
  5. Gadrill

    Gadrill Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be cool if you added a chance of him selling drugs, or maybe he poisons you, or maybe he attacks you. tha'd be awesome!

    Keep up the good work! :)
    JagBlack likes this.
  6. JagBlack

    JagBlack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hahaha love it!

    I totally thought you were going to be bashing my comment at first. Thank you for this bit of nostalgia.
    Jonesy likes this.
  7. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Hehe, Jonesy is a tricky one. Can never tell what is he going to do.
    Torrle, Jonesy and JagBlack like this.
  8. On3fatalshot

    On3fatalshot Starship Captain

    Model QT-377665 likes this.

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