10th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Thaeltis

    Thaeltis Void-Bound Voyager

    It looks amazingly, much better than previous one
  2. ragingrhino

    ragingrhino Industrial Terraformer

    You know what its just it with inventory space? You can never. Ever! Have enough inventory space.
    SaDb0y likes this.
  3. stakeout

    stakeout Title Not Found

    looks great :up:
  4. medjas

    medjas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just have one question I noticed there was a send to ship button how will that work chest or will it just plop on the ground? But besides that invontory looks awesome!!!
  5. pixelmage

    pixelmage Aquatic Astronaut

    i'm okay with 40 inventory spaces, just enough for all my dirt.
    Apple Teawalker likes this.
  6. Anaminus

    Anaminus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tiy's clothes got me wondering, if there was ever some sort of convention of some sort where Chucklefish had a panel, if Tiy would be wearing his character's clothes... I mean, it's be kind of weird, but couldn't imagine seeing him in anything else. .-.

    on another unimportant note: i wonder if the "final to-do list" being shorter means maybe beta soon :eek:
  7. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    I've said it once, I'll say it again. I LOVE that "send to ship" button. Now, this is just speculation, but I'm assuming that's going to be used to be able to send items from a planet's surface to, as the button says, your ship. (most likely for a some fee, ie. materials requires to make a shuttle or something) Should this be true, it will really become one of my favorite features as soon as I start mining. Oh? My 40 slot inventory (awesome number btw, nice and round :rofl:) is full? No problem. I'll just tunnel to the surface, send up my gathered resources, and get right back to mining without having to do anything else. Keeps from interrupting the player's current task and, while it does require them to take a break every so often, doesn't require them to completely lose their place while mining.
    And yes, this is all based on my speculation, but I can only hope this is truly what is planned, and will be delighted should this be true to some extent.
  8. Toxic-Ion155

    Toxic-Ion155 Void-Bound Voyager

    Only a few days ago, I first looked at this game and said, 'Wow! This game looks awesome!". I've been waiting for a week now for this game to come out and I've never been so excited until now, knowing that soon this game will be finished. Hope you don't rush it, take your time. We are all sitting here, waiting patiently. (Apart from the odd handful that have become crazy!) :D
  9. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    Oh my God. A positive post from Necrius. Surely this is a sign.
    Ahbahl and Sheerhatred like this.
  10. Gränsfors

    Gränsfors Subatomic Cosmonaut

    40 inventory slots sounds good IMO, thanks for update.
    MrIcerly likes this.
  11. bloodyhail

    bloodyhail Space Hobo

    Hi :)=

    Very sensible items would be different backpacks with differen sizes. At the beginning one has a small inventory and from time to time you can craft new backpacks.
    I still miss this in Minecraft. :( But the idea to send items to the ship is realy great and the inventory looks nice!! ;) good job
    Yaxlat likes this.
  12. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    I like it :), but the isn' t the inventory a bit small?
  13. I really like the idea of a bigger inventory screen, good job !
  14. JohnBlackhill

    JohnBlackhill Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the new inventory design. Reminds me a bit of Torchlight's one ^^ As an avid RPG player there's nothing more frustrating than a small, full inventory T.T Looks like the Beta Launch day is near with every new update! Keep it up guys! I can't wait to play this awesome game! >_<
  15. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    Love the new design. The old one was alright, but the placement of everything just feels right on this one in my opinion.

    I wouldn't want an inventory screen that took up the whole screen, but this looks great. Seems like we'll have plenty of storage space on our characters, and a lot of exciting components to play around with!
  16. Latiz

    Latiz Starship Captain

    Final TODO list :wut:
  17. dylstew

    dylstew Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the new inventory, but I think the character image could be a bit bigger.

    We need an inventory expanding item that gives you a new page of inventory space each time you use it, that would be awesome :3
  18. Excuritas

    Excuritas Void-Bound Voyager


    There you go guys :)
  19. Autoantitheft

    Autoantitheft Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks great; both remind me of something out of a trading card game
  20. SaDb0y

    SaDb0y Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ♪♫It's true I crave you♪♫, Starbound.

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