10th + 11th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    Is it me, or does that bug looks like a ladybot... er... bot looks like a ladybug?

    About the money and the updates, i think we should be thankful to at least get at least one update a week. It shows that they -are- working, real life problems or coding witchery aside. [Because you guys know, coding can do its own witchery all of a sudden]

    As for the hologram... Sneaky stuff.
    tassina likes this.
  2. Rueya

    Rueya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for filling us in on the updates Molly! Would love to capture and reprogram that Repairbot to be my trusty follower and tech crew! :DD
    Axe Garian likes this.
  3. xxsuna

    xxsuna Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    “real life” stuff (pshhh)
    yeah i completely agree :D
    tassina likes this.
  4. LoStone

    LoStone Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They are the only team in the whole world making Starbound, so i'm thankful for anything they do, as the product is unique, one of a kind. so the updates are Very nice but there not part of the deal, we paid so that one day this project would be part of our daily lives, and thats enough for me to be happy.
    tassina, Axe Garian and NixeonLow like this.
  5. NixeonLow

    NixeonLow Astral Cartographer

    'Get off my ship, you damn dirty apes!'
    (Does not express my real feelings for the Apex. Banana of truce?)
    tassina and LoStone like this.
  6. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice update thanks :)
  7. Golin

    Golin Aquatic Astronaut

    Actually the game is similar to terraria but with a lot more stuff. Red has said he plans on making terraria 2 so it isn't the only game. :p
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  8. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    I doubt Red will make a Terraria 2. He can't even make Terraria 1.2
  9. Jhago

    Jhago Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope the Repair bot is teaming up with another, larger bot, like the drones and Cyberdisks in XCOM. That would be awesome.
  10. Golin

    Golin Aquatic Astronaut

    Lol really? He is taking a while with the patch so he must be a lazy dev? You think the starbound team is going fast? From what I understand the starbound team is bigger.
    Ruban Crusade likes this.
  11. Zamyx

    Zamyx Aquatic Astronaut

    These updates are like the chocolate advent calendars around Christmas time. It makes it easier to wake up in the morning.
    tassina likes this.
  12. Zillarezko

    Zillarezko Void-Bound Voyager

    Was I the only one to see this at first...?
    Artem likes this.
  13. RamenGaiden

    RamenGaiden Title Not Found

    Please do not compare Mikasa to an ape unless you want her to cut you. lol
    Sunako_Kirishiki likes this.
  14. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    "We gave them money to work on the game so the least they could do is spend more time doing something other than the game we paid them for so we could moan more about how long they're taking to get to beta, right? Right?! RIGHT??!!"

    *twitch* *twitch*

    The time has come:

    Watch it all, and learn...
  15. [​IMG]
  16. EarthlyOdin

    EarthlyOdin Phantasmal Quasar

    The quest will be to find a repair bot and use it to repair a holographic transmitter.
    tassina likes this.
  17. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't like daily updates anymore... they are so vague...

    Edit: And rare...
  18. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Dr Zaius?!
    greenman likes this.
  19. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    First. Please. I know I can be sarcastic but there's no need to swear at, well, anyone. There's a mix of ages that reads this forum and I don't think that kind of language is helpful, but neither is simply flaming people with politer language which I'm guilty of so as part of trying to cool stuff down I'll apologise for giving you the impression it was just about you and try and explain further.

    I've been on this forum for quite some time and in this time people have moaned about lateness of Beta, inferred that the staff were lazy, that they were greedy that they were not fulfilling their responsibilities to the community etc. etc. My comment was a rather flippant take on all kinds of stuff I've heard from a number of people one of which was you.


    Based on the last amount I looked at (which was about a week ago) the staff at Chucklefish:

    * Earn less than the average US programmers wage - which itself would be less than the average gaming programmer wage as most professional programmers program stuff a lot less interesting or demanding than games.

    * Work 7 days a week. I mean, they pretend to work six days a week but what do they do on their day off? Personal coding projects for.... Oh, Starbound...

    * As well as this they give us updates on an ALMOST daily basis. They've missed a few days out recently due to, well, lets see - flying to another COUNTRY in order to promote the game that some people think they're not doing anything for. When they did that and also cobbled together a demo for the event - and then part of the community decides to complain that they've not released the demo to those who preordered and that this is somehow unfair, even though siad demo had to have the watchful eye of the present chucklefish team in order to make sure that those trying it didn't have it fall over part way through play.

    * The more recent delay is because a lot of the team are busy coding and making features work and the members who'd normally update in this circumstance are MOVING HOUSE.

    So in short people are having unreasonable expectations on the Devs and I feel rather upset on their behalf and unfortunately get a bit flamey over it. Look at the "News" part of the forum. See how many days they missed in the past year? You're complaining about a couple of days within 365 that they haven't posted. THAT INCLUDES WEEKENDS! So I'm afraid that got my goat and I went into full on sarcasm mode and my scattergun approach made me put words in your mouth which weren't there. For which I apologise - but I hope you can see why I got so annoyed now.
  20. angelmiguel

    angelmiguel Intergalactic Tourist

    god god god

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