10th + 11th September Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Rex Chestington

    Rex Chestington Star Wrangler

    HOLOGRAMS!! Execute order 66 ...... UNLIMITED POWAAAAHHHH :fireball::viking::fusrodah:
    Menasor, FireStrike, tassina and 4 others like this.
  2. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    any update is a good update! keep it up guys, good to know things are coming along well
  3. Rex Chestington

    Rex Chestington Star Wrangler

    Patience you must have
    tassina, Serenity and Leather Rabbit like this.
  4. CubeX

    CubeX Void-Bound Voyager

    Holograms. My love for this game just doubled.
  5. Okari

    Okari Space Spelunker

    *gasp* I actually understand what Omni's doing! I'm so happy! :cry:
  6. StarBatman

    StarBatman Void-Bound Voyager

    That hologram is just plain beautiful. I've always got a serious Galactic Empire feel from the Apex, and this just adds to it.
    "My Lord, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed. Comm-scan is detecting an energy field protecting an area of the sixth planet of the Banana system."
    V M Smith, Menasor, tassina and 10 others like this.
  7. Dobriyzhyk

    Dobriyzhyk Astral Cartographer

    tassina and Leather Rabbit like this.
  8. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Nice! Repairbot!
    tassina and Leather Rabbit like this.
  9. Strongbuns

    Strongbuns Void-Bound Voyager

    9th and 10th you mean?
    tassina and Leather Rabbit like this.
  10. drizzt119

    drizzt119 Astral Cartographer

    no she mean 10th and 11th, 9th is a secret
    Menasor, tassina and Leather Rabbit like this.
  11. Shinae

    Shinae Contact!

    Holograms and repair bot... Starwars came to mind first. R2-D2.
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  12. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    killpay, tassina, Chadpole and 2 others like this.
  13. Yanz

    Yanz Void-Bound Voyager

    How cool would it be if you could send a friend a message as a hologram and you appeared in their ship with a text box, like a personal message inter-server/game
    V M Smith, Menasor, killpay and 15 others like this.
  14. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ermahgerd holograms!

    Well, better a late daily update then never a daily update!
  15. jezuitx

    jezuitx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Repairbot kicks all kinds of ass, and the hologram effect in the last gif is pretty cool. Good to hear you guys are making progress and squashing them bugs.
  16. ChaliElle

    ChaliElle Void-Bound Voyager

    Omni! Explain, pls ._.
    Leather Rabbit likes this.
  17. ChadWicky

    ChadWicky Void-Bound Voyager

    One day Starbound will come out, and that day will be the greatest day EVER!
    The only problem is, I don't know when that day is :(
    Menasor and Leather Rabbit like this.
  18. WolfBeard

    WolfBeard Orbital Explorer

    "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."
  19. Difiv3

    Difiv3 Space Spelunker

    Awesome! :) Love how you guys do so nice monsters and stuff, Really good job guys.
  20. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    No idea :(.... At least the beta will be out this year. Look at Minecraft, though. It was in beta for like... a year or more, wasn't it, with content updates somewhat semi-regularly...?

    Maybe once beta is out, we'll get regular client updates that build up to full release. Either way, I'm excite.

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