10 August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I hate to be this person, but, what's up with tar and acid.. Were they scrapped, not good enough to show or just not added yet?

    I was really looking forward to acid in particular.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    Looked like some of the biomes repeated during the length of the video. But, still, no point in being grumpy about it. It was a nice video.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  3. Ben Jinx

    Ben Jinx Master Chief

    I love the biomes with the endless clouds in the background. They look awesome
    tassina likes this.
  4. SpasmFingers

    SpasmFingers Void-Bound Voyager

    So, beautiful :cry::love:
    Are you gonna make it so if you go far enof in one direction on a planet (or moon) that you get back to ware you started, like some kinda loop?
    Ronoroa Zoro likes this.
  5. imrevned

    imrevned Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ronoroa Zoro and SpasmFingers like this.
  6. ThatMadCat

    ThatMadCat Phantasmal Quasar

    I love this! What a great update for a sunday morning, thank you! :up:

    On a slightly related note... does each tree drop it's own seed? So we could, for example, grow eyeball trees on a world that only has palm trees? Or are the trees required to have a certain biome type?
  7. Amber Talamasca

    Amber Talamasca Pangalactic Porcupine

    Wow.. just.. wow..

    It did bring up a question though. Will i be able to take the seeds from any tree and plant them on any planet? could i bring rose trees to grow around my camp on the eyeball planet for example? And will everything grow everywhere? (i could imagine meat soil on the eyeball planet, and earth soil on the rosetree planet).

    oh, did i mention yet?... wow
    K00L and Axe Garian like this.
  8. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *.* i love it i love this game
    SpasmFingers likes this.
  9. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    The new biomes are just... awesome.
    SpasmFingers likes this.
  10. Eriktion

    Eriktion Orbital Explorer

    wow that was beautiful

    if my friends see this they will buy it 100%
    Axe Garian and tassina like this.
  11. WyldeFyres

    WyldeFyres Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Shame we can only have one biome for our home planet, it's all so good.
    Axe Garian and Eriktion like this.
  12. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    In a couple more months...:giggle:
    Trogolodite likes this.
  13. Hooveh

    Hooveh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then I await the monster with the equivalency of "splash" in all four slots.

    Yeah, yeah, monsters probably won't have repeated moves like that. It'd be interesting for different monsters to have more or less ability diveristy than others, though.
  14. Kota

    Kota Astral Cartographer

    from the intro they showed, yeah I think so.
  15. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, the biome diversity video is all flashy and shit, but the real meat of this update is the monster skills.

    The question is whether they will be as robust as I'd like. For example, can one of these skills temporarily change the mobility type of the mob for a short period, so that flying mobs can land or grounded mobs can take flight? Are there trigger conditions that cause the mobs to use certain skills more often or only when below a certain HP threshold? If there is much variety of effects these skills can take on beyond basic melee/ranged attacks, and if there is also a wide enough variety of trigger conditions to make the AI less predictable, then this could be the best thing for the PvE combat in Starbound that has ever been released in any update so far.

    Plus, it naturally makes it very easy to have a very deep, very rewarding system for training pets.
    OzzytheFist likes this.
  16. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    I welcome our eyeball-plant overlords... :love:

    Ooooh! I just thought of something! I wonder if there are mini single-eye "flowers"... :saywhat:
    If there are pots to put plants in, I'd keep them all over my ship!
    Deshiva and tassina like this.
  17. Psyme

    Psyme Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I see some of those planets are scarce of any sky coloring, despite it looking like their sun is rising.

    Are these planets with little to no atmosphere? Will we need space suits to survive?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Phantom_X

    Phantom_X Tentacle Wrangler

    I thought it would be worth noting to all those with the question: "Was that all the biomes?".
    In the description of the Youtube clip it says that this is a SMALL selection of biomes in the game.
    That fact combined with the whole video just put my excitement way up, even though that should not be possible :)
    This is a great year for gaming and Starbound is in the top competing with the huge boys for the top spot, and that is just plain awesome.
    What a great job by Team Chucklefish.
    Axe Garian and tassina like this.
  19. KernelPanic

    KernelPanic Phantasmal Quasar

    A - MA - ZING! :-o

    *puts jaw back into place*
    K00L, Axe Garian and tassina like this.
  20. Loved the music accompanying the video. <3
    Axe Garian, tassina and Crymaw like this.

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