10 August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. samufel

    samufel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That game is gonna be remembered as the most overhyped game of all time, I saw it referenced to (is that a word?) everytime a new game gets hyped for....

    sorry for my english.....hope you get the point...

    edit: I forgot to mention that crystal ball tree in snow biome looks absolutely gorgeous!
  2. Oddlyinc

    Oddlyinc Big Damn Hero

    oh my god... ITS HAPPENING!!!!!
    ZobmieRules likes this.
  3. nss68

    nss68 Void-Bound Voyager

    they definitely evolve, I am pretty sure you can capture any creature and make it a pet sorta like pokemon.
  4. Oil_Rope_Bombs

    Oil_Rope_Bombs Tentacle Wrangler

    Oh my god. Can't wait. I loved that snow biome where the trees had snowglobes on top of them. (1:32) Also, is the background music OST from the game? If so, I can't wait for that too!
  5. Zenithsplendor

    Zenithsplendor Master Chief

    That was truly amazing!!! So much to look at. Have to watch it several times to try and see everything....yet I a sure I missed a lot
    killpay likes this.
  6. Odey555

    Odey555 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So each day im more and more anxious for the release, and I keep thinking you won't BE a beta with how you guys are progressing :p
  7. hazzary453

    hazzary453 Big Damn Hero

  8. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Aaaaaaand this is why the soundtrack is my calming music... Or my murder music if it ends up being any of the battle themes.
  9. ZobmieRules

    ZobmieRules Big Damn Hero

    Oh great, now when I think of those trees I think of them thinking in a really slow, deep, dopey voice, like:
    Tree: D'uhhh... Ohhh hello little man. What you doing down there, little man? Little man, what that you have in your hands? OH NO, LITTLE MAN, YOU HURTING ME! NOOOOOOOO! *Falls over.*
  10. Morticharr

    Morticharr Void-Bound Voyager

    So what are the chances that we'll see a Road Map update anytime soon, Tiy?
    hugouest likes this.
  11. Shade215

    Shade215 Big Damn Hero

    This is going to be so totally rad.
    in so many radical ways, that my radical meter is off the charts.
  12. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

  13. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    Some random questions:
    Are there lifeless planets? (like T0 Spore?)
    Will gas giants make something?
    May asteroids by usefull to? meteorites?
  14. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't recall seeing any 'clouds' on the moon-like worlds, but I did notice an atmosphere of sorts, albeit a very thin one (you could see the stars and blackness of space very clearly).

    As for the frozen ocean planets, I don't know. It would be cool if they had floating glaciers instead of normal land, though! :DD
  15. JOndra91

    JOndra91 Void-Bound Voyager


    I hope it will be released before the end of summer.. :chucklefish:
    killpay likes this.
  16. Hebephryo

    Hebephryo Phantasmal Quasar

    You mean before the end of summer in 2014? Because this looks more like a truth.
  17. JOndra91

    JOndra91 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hopefully not..
  18. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was refering to the white stuff in the background layer with the mountain tops poking out of it, though you could be right and that might just be terrain. It just looks very cloud-like, that's all. :p

    Even better if you could find frozen creatures inside them. Like a giant fish frozen inside a giant iceberg. Food for days and days. :eek:
  19. Brenden8r

    Brenden8r Void-Bound Voyager

    I was surprised that we didn't see any tentacle planets in that one!
  20. Nespah

    Nespah Master Chief

    This actually looks to be one of my favourite games, keep up the good work guys! Can't wait for the beta. :D
    AdenSword likes this.

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