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Outdated W40k Divinity Class Ship Current Version 1.05

A w40k ship replacement mod (WIP)

  1. Revenicus
    Version: Current Version 1.05
    This is a great mod, I just don't know whether or not it works for multiplayer though.
    1. SpectreOne
      Author's Response
      It will work if both people have the mod installed. It will look like empty space to them otherwise.
  2. jokeurface
    Version: Current Version 1.05
    1. SpectreOne
      Author's Response
      I'm glad. I do too.
  3. Maximus
    Version: Current Version 1.02
    Excellent mod overall, I'm a huge Warhammer fan so this was a straight up download. Just one small problem which is that it's very hard to navigate throughout the ship when you first start. But other than that it's a awesome job!
    1. SpectreOne
      Author's Response
      I'm working on the paths at the moment. I have the top floor done and I was wondering how to do the main room. I thought it would be better to leave open for a trophy room or something. I wish there were elevators or something. That would be a no-brainer to add in to this ship.