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Outdated TRON WIP 0.21 - Upbeat giraffe

Planning adding the tron universe to starbound

  1. n8rtw
    Version: WIP 0.21 - Upbeat giraffe
    great file, if you play right you can get some insanely good equipment really early on in the game. makes it nice when its the like 5th character you have created and want an easy(ish) way to get past the first like 10-20% of the game.

    i was gonna rate 3 stars, because i noticed there is a bug in the game, but i actually voted 4 because without the bugs i think its worth 5.

    the bug i found is the colors are messed up, a red item is green, a green item is red, there are several other color bugs, if these were fixed it would be 5 stars :)
  2. Kid Jupiter
    Kid Jupiter
    Version: WIP 0.21 - Upbeat giraffe
    I love this mod, but full disclosure, I also did the art for the Lightbikes.
  3. Rex Blackbeak
    Rex Blackbeak
    Version: WIP 0.12