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Outdated Transmutation 1.3 [Furious Koala]

Transform your resources to make starbound life easier!

  1. Nova Sol
    Nova Sol
    Version: 1.3 [Furious Koala]
    Very useful in combination with your ore farming mod, though there is a small issue I found. Diamonds. You see, diamonds cost four diamond ores to make, but only cost two platinum bars. Compared to the ability to extract one platinum bar per diamond ore the cost per diamond gets halved, which is not really equivalent exchange.
    1. bloo808
      Author's Response
      hmmmm.....well i'll have to fix that then XD
  2. UrASmurf
    Version: 1.3 [Furious Koala]
    Yay! I have crap-tons of copper and this is just the thing for me :)
  3. darkmega
    Version: 1.3
    Just what I was looking for. Some kind of minor and easily used equivalent exchange kinda thing. cause getting silly amounts of copper that fill my boxes is just stupid, so turning it into iron which I need more cause of industrialization helps a lot. of course I can always go higher, so yay. :D
  4. rexzilla41
    Version: 1.0
    a great tool, with great uses, awesome job man.