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Outdated Tiered Mat. Manipulators Light! 1.0.0

Manipulate your matter, Lighter!

  1. Ryunosuke_893
    Version: 1.0.0
    The manipulators themselves and the mod in it's entirety are awesome. Bravo. One thing though- the pages you present your mods on are a little obnoxious; otherwise, great job!
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      My page work could definitely use some work
  2. teihoo
    Version: 1.0.0
    This is a very nice and quite balanced mod in my opinion. It adds 1 new matter manipulator for each tier you progress - including an instant upgrade at tier 1, when you gather some mats, that is. Tools like pickaxes and drills are still useful till the very last tier, as they perform slightly better, given you can make diamond ones as soon as you get mats.