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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. PenguinRaceMod V2.6 - The Blue Tang Update

    Hey guys. Going to push an update before I call it a night.




    - Added a new back item type: The Penguin Environmental Protection Pack! (Or PEPP for short)

    These illegally modified EPPs offer additional benefits. (Particularly regeneration, glow, element blocking, and fall damage blocking) Best of all, you don't have to hide them. They are fitted to the penguin's sprites. They require various amounts of peng, and suitable items to craft them. They are obtained at the PTS.

    - SAIL now comments on certain mod specific items/objects you find/craft throughout the game!

    - The penguin namegen has GREATLY been expanded. The name count has nearly been doubled, pushing the amount of names in the name pool to well over 100. This gives much more variation, both for penguin creation, and in penguin mercenary names!


    - The swim animation has been optimized and tweaked. The changes:

    1. A VERY small shading edit.
    2. The "freefalling" swim sprite has been replaced with a sprite similar to the ones in the actual animation, to make it more smooth.
    3. I made an edit to the feet in a few frames, to make them move during the animation. This detail, though small, really improves the animation, and makes it more believable.
    4. I repositioned the swim sprites to line up more with the position of the flippers when holding weapons, and the matter manipulator while underwater.

    - In a similar vain to the genericteleports minimod built-into this mod, I have made another change similar to it: genericdash.
    The dash tech animation now looks less humanoid!

    - Added some missing effects that would cause a certain item to not work right.
    - Fixed a goof on my part with the drops of a certain something I added recently.. I set it to the wrong item. Whoops lol

    Well that's about it. Have fun!
    Saint Apollyon likes this.
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