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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. PenguinRaceMod V2.5.1 - The Stonefish Update

    Hey guys, update time again.




    - A new item has been added: The penguin beacon. This object needs clearance above it to be placed. You can buy a codex giving further info on it from offshoot Beakeasy bars. (P.S. - Place in a large open area, have your best gear ready, and have supplies on hand...)

    -A new plush has also been added (seen above)


    - Omnishop crafting recipe changed a bit.
    - The way certain decorative placeables has been changed.

    That's about it. Have fun!
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