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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. V2.3 - The Sailfish Update

    Hey guys! Surprise pre-new year update! (Or post- new year, if you're in a different timezone than me. Lol)



    -Penguins now have their own custom respawn animation! It plays out somewhat like the Avian respawn animation, but has a few differences: The egg is an edited mooshi egg, it uses a baby penguin sprite I made from the normal penguin sprite.. In general the animation is more penguin friendly.

    (This knocks out one of the mod's most obvious placeholders since the first version of the mod. Now if it only had a custom ship too... Lol)



    Good news: The penguins found an old Kickstarter page for penguin plushies. Unfortunately it never met it's goal.. But it has inspired them to make their own like of penguin plushies, in Starbound!


    You can find plushies available for purchase from various penguin stores, ranging from the normal penguin, the penguin king, a penguin baby, and more!

    They are scattered across the mod's content, sold in different penguin branch stores. There are even rumors that a rare plush (the one with a peculiar pattern, seen above) can be purchased from a certain store, sold at random...


    -Added five new jukeboxes

    Well that pretty much does it. 2016 has had it's ups and downs.. But I hope you guys and gals have/had a happy new year! I personally can't wait to see what 2017 holds for Starbound, the modding community, and the world in general.

    Thank you for using the PenguinRaceMod. See you next year! :nuruhappy:
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