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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. V2.2 - The Hammerhead Shark Update

    Hey guys, it's time for another update!



    -Finally got around to doing something I've been wanting to do for awhile now:

    In all previous versions of the mod up to this point, all penguin related codexes were learned by default. That changes today!

    The penguin log and Orbis care manual are now obtained from your ship locker.. All other codexes (as well as any future ones) are now purchased from a new merchant detailed further below.

    -The penguin tank chair has been moved from penguin decorations to penguin beds, since you can sleep in it.


    -Recently, I started work on a pretty neat project. Initially it was to give a cameo appearance to a character seen in early screenshots of the game and in other cameos on the Starbound site, but never implemented in the game.. But I ended up doing that, AND giving him a role in the mod...


    The penguin king has arrived, albeit as a merchant. This guy is an interesting character:

    He stowed away in your ship's ship locker, hiding in a mission supply barrel. Your character only notices him after the tragic events that took place on Earth...

    Of course, he didn't stow away with malicious intentions! All he wanted was to see the stars ... And sell his junk of course.

    He serves as a vendor for all penguin codexes and lore (save for the penguin log and Orbis care manual), sells a few pieces of penguin furniture, like the Penguin Jukebox Outpost. (also including a new Penguin King statue I implemented)

    He even offers a few things like potatoes and torches to help your survive the early stages of the game. (He can't sell his crap to you if you're dead.)

    To top it off, he even has several lines of dialog he can say when you're near him. (I'll be expanding this as time goes on, to really make him feel organic! Race modders: If you want him to reference the race in your race mod, let me know. If you give me an idea of what they're like, and if they're developed enough, I will add dialog to the king acknowledging them!)

    -In other news, the Beakeasy off-site branches have expanded their stock! (All legal! Promise)

    They now offer 10 different drinks, and 10 types of food. Yum! (I also made a slight tweak to the sprite of the craftable bar, to differentiate it a bit from the Beakeasy in the Outpost)


    I have also expanded on the quirks that set the penguin apart from vanilla races.

    -Penguins now have 50 more points of energy, and a slight buff to their damage, up from 100% to 110%! Yay! HOWEVER... There is a drawback: They also have 50 less points of health. You can dish it out, but you can't take it nearly as much as you could before. Until you get armored up, you will have to be even more cautious early game than ever before.

    -Penguins now have ice resistance, and are immune to the effects of cold biomes. (Meaning you can travel to cold planets without an EPP)

    -Penguins "should" have higher max breath now. (I wasn't getting any errors in the log, and it seemed to be working right at least.)

    Well that's about it. Enjoy the update!
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